Rodney's Life

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A/N: I took forever to think of something for Rodney, because he was just one of those characters... But, I did it! I don't think I have many to do after him. Other people: The girl from the store (Audition reference) and Scott.

               Rodney's P.O.V.

"Gaah! Where do I stand?!?!" I yell angerly, punching a hole through the wall of the barn. "Oops." Jasmine's got a boyfriend, Scarlett's got a boyfriend, Amy is too far away... "It's not fair, how am I supposed to live without my true loves?" I groan, making my way into the house. "Sup, Anti-Cassinova?" My older cousin, Scott asks. "Shut up!" I say, a frown on my face. "I'll admit, I thought you would've gotten further in the game, but you let love get in the way." He smirks at his comment. "Who does that remind me of?"I say, tapping my chin. "That's not the same at ALL. I got her out first." He snaps. "You still lost." "BECAUSE OF THE FUCKING EMO WITH TOOTHPICK ARMS OF DEATH!!!" He yells. "Rodney!" Two of my little brothers scream. "WHAT?!" "CAN YOU PICK SOME FOOD!?" "FINNEEEE." I sigh, walking out the door, with Scott following me.

I get into the truck, Scott getting into the passenger's side. "What are you doing? I thought you didn't like me?" I ask. "I'm bored, so I thought I would go somewhere." He responds. We make our way to Hank's Supermarket (A/N: I'm tired, okay?) I jump out. "C'mon then." I groan. He quirks an eyebrow. "Nah, I'll just walk around." He answers. "Fine. Just don't do anything... dumb." "Don't worry about it! It'll be fine."

I grab bread, milk, cheese and apples. I stop when I reach the cashier. 'It's her. The girl from the store.' The cashier is one of the prettiest girls I have ever seen. Ginger hair down to the small of her back, sparkling blue eyes and the perfect amount of freckles. (Insert that weird border with Cody cupids that Rodney sees in certain episodes) I squint to see her name tag. Mary-Anne. I walk up to her, and place my items on the slidey whatever it's called. "Hi, darlin'. How's your day going?" She greets. "Err... good." I reply. "Nice weather we're having, huh?" "Y-yeah, it's like warm popcicles..." "What?" She asks, quirking an eyebrow. "Sorry, you're just... You look like a flower. All pretty and smelling good." I stutter. "Well, thank you, I think." She chuckles. "Do you maybe want to go on a date!?" I blurt out. She is quiet for a while, placing her hand on her hip. "You know what? I haven't been out in a while. You got a date." She says, writing her number on the recipt. (I shipped Rodney x Girl from the store since his audition. M'kay?)


                (10 years later)

I wrap my arm around my wife. My three kids were running around the yard. "Irene, Andrew, Oliver!" Irene arrives first, which doesn't surprise me. She is the oldest after all, a 12 year old. The 9 year old follows, Oliver. He is much more serious, likes things to get done and what not. Then Andrew, the care-free 11 year old. "We're going for a walk." I explain. Who would've guessed that this is how I would end up?

A/N: Okay, it's short, sloppy and I had NO idea what to write. I'm sorry. If I get enough negative feedback, I'll try harder to update/change this chapter. Anyway, got anymore? I'll try to get 'em done. Also, doing the OTP challenge. Dashawn is the OTP so you can check that out on my profile. Byyyyyye

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