Chapter 2: A Brother's Promise

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Disclaimer: I do not own Alex Rider and crew. They belong to Anthony Horowitz. The only thing mine is some of the plot and the OCs. Enjoy!

Chapter 2: A Brother's Promise

August 24th, 1986

I take the day off of work to stay with Helen. I feel bad that she is in such a complicated situation. We clean up her house, and I take her to the doctor.

Her OB/GYN is named Dr. Phoebe Collins. I researched her last night, using MI6's resources. Only the best for my brother's wife. When Helen is called into the room, I walked her in. She sits in the chair, looking tense. I feel bad for her. John should really be here.

Dr. Collins walks in. "Helen Rider?" She asks. Helen nods. "And you are...?" She asks, looking at me.

"Ian Rider," I reply.

"So you're the father? Perfect." Dr. Collins smiles at me.

"No, wait-" I begin.

"He's not-" Helen starts.

The doctor gives us a puzzled look. "Brother-in-law." I finally manage to spit out. Dr. Collins nods slowly, clearly confused as to why I, opposed to my brother, is there with Helen.

I'm about to improvise an explanation, but then the doctor drops a bombshell. "Helen, please take off your clothes and change into this hospital gown. I'll be right back." She leaves the hospital room. I walk over to the corner of the room, closing my eyes.

I love Helen, I really do, but seeing her naked? This is way, way above my pay grade. Not for the first time, I wished that I was the 'Agent Rider' infiltrating Scorpia whilst John was here with his wife and unborn child. That's not selfish, is it? I want John and Helen to be here, bonding over their baby. I know their marriage has been strained lately due to John's missions, and this would bring them back together. I guess in that sense, it's not selfish. Pregnancy just really skeeves me the hell out.

"Ian?" Helen whimpers. I instinctively turn around. There she is, completely shirtless. I freeze, unable to fully comprehend what I'm seeing. Her next comment brings me back down to Earth. "I'm going to throw up."

I quickly grab the nearest trash can and give it to Helen. I think I hate vomit even more than the idea of pushing a child out of your-

Before I can finish the thought, Helen is vomiting in the trash can. I really, truly feel bad for this woman. Her husband left her pregnant and all alone with her shitty brother-in-law who can't even push past his comfort zone to help her out. Realizing what an asshole I've been, I kneel behind her on the examination chair and hold back her long, curly hair. I close my eyes, tight, and try to drown out the retching sounds.

When she finishes, I tuck her hair behind her ears and get a napkin to wipe the chunky liquid off of her face. "Thanks, Ian." She says softly.

"H," I say, hugging her gently. I kiss the top of her head. She looks me in the eyes, and tears are rolling down my face. Me, the hardened spy, is crying. If Helen is surprised, she doesn't show it. I guess she has experience with this because John and I are one in the same. "I'm so sorry, H. I've been a terrible brother to you and John."

She strokes my hair. "Ian, it's okay. You didn't ask for any of this. A shitload of responsibility was just dropped on you like a ton of bricks. I know you have no experience with this sort of thing, and I won't blame you if you leave. It's not your child, and you've been so helpful already."

I shake my head. I could never leave Helen alone in this state. I couldn't put her through that. I couldn't put John through that. Before I can stop myself, I say "I'm all in, Helen. For you, and for John."

By this point, we are both bawling. The door handle turns, and Dr. Collins walks in, more confused than ever.

She walks into a strange scene: A petite shirtless woman with vomit in her hair. She is hugging her brother-in-law's head in her lap. Both adults are sitting on the muted green examination chair, which barely fits them. A few feet away, lies a trash can full of vomit. The doctor looks from me to Helen to the can full of vomit a few times, before saying "I'll give you two more time," and speeding out of the room.

Helen and I are hysterical. We've gone from crying over a super emotional family moment to cracking up over the strange scene and confused doctor. I get off the chair, grabbing more napkins to wipe our eyes and her hair.

After we clean ourselves up, I help Helen change into the hospital gown, ignoring my earlier hesitations.

"Thanks again, Ian, I know this isn't easy for you."

I nod my head, not trusting myself to speak. This isn't easy for me, and it may never be, but I have an obligation to help my family. Before he left for mission training, I promised John that I would take care of his wife. Now, in her time of need, I'm going to stay true to my promise to John: my older brother and my idol.

A few minutes later, Dr. Collins comes back, knocking this time. She laughs, apologizing for not knocking, and begins Helen's ultrasound. I walk over to the other side of the bed and hold Helen's left hand between my hands. She flashes me a quick, yet meaningful smile.

Dr. Collins smiles as she turns the monitor so we can see. It looks just like a few pulsating gray blobs, but that is my little niece or nephew. The thought is overwhelming. I look down at Helen. Never, have I see her so joyous, except at her and John's wedding.

"This is your baby, Helen. You are about 14 weeks pregnant and in your second trimester. You are due in early February." The doctor informed her. Dr. Collins printed out some pictures of the baby. They didn't look like much, but damn, this is Helen and John's child.

"Can you print out another copy of these for my husband? Helen asked, hopefully, "He' for work." Dr. Collins nods, and smiles again, as she goes to collect the other set of pictures. When she returns, Helen asks "When can we find out the sex of the baby?"

The doctor replies "It's too early to tell yet. If you come back when you are 5-6 months along, we should hopefully be able to find out. The technology is still new, so it's not 100% accurate, but we can try."

"Thank you," Helen said, happily. It was relieving to see Helen more put together, and above all, happy. I'm glad she can finally enjoy this child, it truly is a miracle.

After Helen changes, we leave the building. I look her in the eyes. "How the hell do we tell John?"

"Damn," I reply. "I have no idea."

Helen started shaking. "We need to get him out of Venice. I'm PREGNANT with his CHILD! I NEED TO SEE MY HUSBAND!" she yells.

Not knowing what else to do, I drive over to Liverpool Street.

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