Chapter 10: Luck of the Devil

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Disclaimer: I do not own Alex Rider and crew. They belong to Anthony Horowitz. The only thing mine is some of the plot and the OCs. Enjoy!

-So I just realized that the timeline in Coda (Horowitz chapter about John and Helen's deaths) say that that they died in April 1987, when Alex was just 3 months old. In mine, they will die in December of that same year. Welp. Sorry for the inconsistency, but my timeline still works.

-Also, 80s technology confuses me. The computer-y stuff is probably not accurate, but I tried. Comment for edits.

-John and Helen Rider have been hiding in an MI6 safe house since Albert Bridge, except the Christening, and not allowed to leave. They were seen then, and Scorpia is waiting to make their move. There only contact with the outside world is with Ian, Ash, the nanny, and Blunt, who delivers them needed items, such as grocery and things, personally.

Chapter 10: Luck of the Devil

December 7th, 1987

4 months later, I return from Panama. Because of OSA, I can't share any details, except that it was successful. The snowing cold of London is a shock to me, as I roll in from 80° Panama with a deep golden tan. The first thing I do after Blunt's debriefing is head over to John and Helen's house. Blunt says that they were waiting to say goodbye to me before they left with Alex to Marseilles, France. I am grateful for the snippet of information.

"Thank you, Mr. Blunt." I turn to leave. Just as my hand touches the handle, I turn around. "Mr. Blunt? I'm sorry I've been so on-edge lately. Things have been insane with John and Helen, and I haven't been able to properly handle the stress. I-, I just-"

"It's all over now, Agent Rider," Blunt nods, accepting my apology, "For better, or for worse."

As I drove over to John's house, I considered what Blunt said. Yeah, it would suck not seeing my family anymore, but we could manage. I would see them again someday, I'll make sure of it. Honestly, though, it will be nice not to have any more distractions. I could really get back into the swing of MI6 things, and work my way up. Maybe even get a promotion a few years down the road. Yes. this is best for all of us. John, Helen, and Alex get a new life, away from Scorpia, and I will be able to focus on my job more. Also, I won't have to see Ash anymore, so that's a plus.

Speaking of Ash, Smithers told me that Blunt really chewed him out after the clusterfuck that was Mdina. There are rumors he's that he was axed and is looking for work elsewhere. I'm okay with this. I need a fresh start.

I don't know. I'm just in a weird place right now, emotionally. I'm relieved to be home from the mission, and happy that it went well. I'm upset that my family is leaving for France, indefinitely. However, I'm pleased that they will be safe. I want Alex to grow up with a father, so I'm glad that John is getting out of the field for good.

When I arrive at John and Helen's, it's chaotic, as per usual. Boxes line the walls, filled with tokens of John, Helen, and Alex's lives. Baby Alex, now almost 10 months old, is wailing, loudly. Helen and what appears to be a nanny are desperately trying to calm the boy down, but nothing they try is working out. The screaming continues, as I find John in his bedroom. I stand in the door frame, arms crossed, arms crossed with my back against the wall. He is sitting, staring at his shoes. His head is in his hands and his eyes look moist.

"John, brother, what's up?"

He looks up, unsurprised to see me. "Ian," he chokes out.

"John, what's wrong?"

"Tomorrow. We're leaving, Little Brother, for good. I may damn well never see you again."

"Come on John. We totally will," I say, not quite believing it myself.

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