Chapter 9: The Christening

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Disclaimer: I do not own Alex Rider and crew. They belong to Anthony Horowitz. The only thing mine is some of the plot and the OCs. Enjoy!

Also, I apologize for such a short chapter. These events couldn't really be mixed with the ones from the previous or next chapters. The next one will definitely be longer.

Chapter 9: The Christening

August 16th, 1987

Today is Alex's Christening. He is 6 months old now and growing so fast. He has wispy fair hair that looks just like Helen's. His big brown eyes still sparkle when he looks around, carefully taking in his surroundings.

I'm at John and Helen's new home: another MI6 safe house. This one is in Watford, which is about an hour from London. They wanted to stay in England until their son's baptism, but Blunt thought it would be best to keep them away from London, because of Scorpia's watchful eyes. However, I know that this is one of the last times I'll see them, at least for a while, because John is quitting MI6 for good to spend more time with his wife and newborn son. They plan on moving elsewhere, probably to France or the Netherlands, to start a new life. I'll miss them a lot. I've spent so much time with John, Helen, and Alex over the past year. It's crazy to think that just last August, I got that distressed phone call from Helen, needing a ride to the drugstore. Damn. We really packed a lot into a year. I know I just said this, but I really will miss the company, and the banter, and the love. Without them, the closest thing I have to a friend is Alan Blunt, and he's not much for personal conversation.

John is running around, trying to figure out which tie to wear. Meanwhile, Helen is desperately trying to dress Alex in an adorable white suit with a cross on it. I sit down amidst the chaos. God. I really will miss it. "Mr. Godfather," John announces, finally recognizing my presence on his couch, "Which one?" he asks me, referring to two ties. I point to the light blue one because it matches Helen's dress. I myself am wearing a brown one to match Alex's eyes. Finally, finally, everyone is ready when there is a knock at the door.

"Ash, buddy," John exclaims, "How are you feeling?"

"I've been better, man," Ash laughs, hugging John. Why is he even here, to be Alex's Godmother?

"So," I ask casually, "Who is Alex's godmother?"

"We don't have one," John admits, "We were going to ask one of Helen's mates from Uni, but what with Scorpia crawling down our necks, we decided it would be safer not to." Ash and I nodded. This was perfectly reasonable.

"Hey, how about I take a family picture of you guys?" Ash suggests. He takes one of just John, Helen, and Alex, and one where I'm in the picture too. Looking back, this is the last picture I will ever take with my brother and sister-in-law.

"Oh, shit!" I exclaim.

"Ian! Language!" Helen scolds, gesturing at baby Alex, who is content gnawing on his mother's wedding ring.

"Wow, great job Ian, being scolded for cursing, what a fool," John teases.

I roll my eyes playfully, about to make a snarky comeback, when Ash says, "Yeah, Ian, do you want his first words to be a swear word?" I stare him down. You know what? I BLOODY hate this FUCKING PRICK!

I keep this to myself, though, not wanting to be an embarrassment. "Anyways," I say, changing the subject, "I forgot Alex's Christening gift at home. I'll be right back." I leave quickly so I won't be late for my only nephew's baptism.

Back at my Chelsea house, the phone is ringing off the hook. I quickly pick it up. "Hello?"

"Agent Rider, where have you been? I've called you three times." Blunt demanded.

"Mr. Blunt, it's Sunday. I wasn't home."

"I need you to come to the bank now. It's very important." Blunt says. I can hear the urgency in his voice.

"Okay," I say, not protesting because I have been kind of been pissing Blunt off lately, "I'll be right in." He hangs up.

I sigh, dialing the phone at Helen and John's house. "Hello?" John answers.

"John, I'm really sorry, brother, but I'll meet you guys at the church. Blunt just called, and he needs me at the bank. I'll be there on time, I swear."

"Okay, Ian." John hangs up. I'm glad that he picked up the phone because he of all people would understand why I was going to work at a time like this.

I drive over to the Royal and General. It's a far drive from Watford. "Agent Rider, we have an emergency. There we have gained intel that a pharmaceuticals plant is planning on poisoning children's medicine. We don't know how, or when, or what their motives are, but I'm sending you in. Congratulations, Agent Rider, you have been hired as a janitor at the Santa Maria Pharmaceuticals Plant in Panama City, Panama."

"Wow!" I exclaimed sarcastically, "A promotion!"

"Agent Rider. This is urgent. Your flight from Heathrow leaves in an hour."

An hour?! What about the Christening? I'm Alex's Godfather, for fuck's sake. I open my mouth to protest but Blunts stern glare makes me stop. "Can I use your telephone?" I sigh. I have to tell John and Helen that their son's Godfather won't be at his Christening.

I call John, and explain everything, except the mission details. He sighs.

"I'm really sorry, John. I love you guys, but I have to get my ass home to pack, and then I have to run over to Heathrow for my flight. I'm so sorry."

John sighs, again. "Well, the baptism is in two hours, and it's too late to cancel now. I guess we'll have to make Ash the godfather. I'm sorry, man." I hang up. Fucking Ash. I hate Ash. He is an annoying, position-stealing creep, and never seeing him again is the only good thing that will come out of my brother and his family leaving. I'm fuming as I take my plane ticket from Blunt. I get up, about to storm out the door.

"Agent Rider, calm down. Smithers wants to talk to you. You'll need a way to contact us, and a way to tap their phones."

I nod. I only half listen to what Smithers says. I am pissed. I arrive at Heathrow just in time for my flight and begin memorizing my cover.

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