The Truth on the New Kid Pt. 1

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Steve was new to this whole public school thing. He was homeschooled his whole life until last year when his only parent, his mom, died. He was nervous as hell. He never got out much so while at school he just didn't talk to anyone. Most of the time he hid in his sweatshirt. The only way people really knew his name was because he was amazing at art. He usually got first in every art competition, but that also lead to bullying because everyone thought he was a try hard. 

"Hey James, come look at this little try-hards stupid sketch!"Yelled Peirce. James, also known as Bucky to his really close friends, was friends with people who were big a**holes a lot of the time. He hated it but they were his parent's friend's children so he couldn't just disown them, but since he was more of a leader he could tell them off and not have his parents ground him.

"Shut up, Peirce just leave him alone!" Bucky responds

"Whatever," he responds back to Bucky "later loser."  Bucky was about to go apologize to the new kid but as he looked up again he was gone. Bucky and his closest friends always wondered why he was so reserved. Peirce and the others just said it was because he was deadbeat and knew it. Bucky hated that. He was intrigued by the new kid and just wanted to be his friend. 

"Hey Bucky," his closest friend Natasha calls out, "what classes do you have this semester?"

"World History, Algebra 2, English 10, Spanish 2, Culinary Arts, Computer science, Art, and Biology."

"Sweet! I have Algebra, English, Spanish, and Biology with you!" Natasha said excitedly "I also heard that you have Art, Computer science, and Biology with the new kid."

"Awesome! Well, I'll see you tomorrow in Algebra," he says as he waves goodbye to her. He turns to walk out the front doors and accidentally trips and falls over the new kid. 

"oww," Bucky grunts as he gets back up slightly limping. When he fell he hit his ankle on the corner of the door frame and it had a pretty big gash in it. 

"Oh jeez. I'm sorry. I-- I uh I didn't see you there. Ummm here let me get you to the nurse. Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry."

"It's ok it will heal... wait you're the new kid." 

"Yeah, oh my gosh I'm so sorry" Steve was panicking because as what was said before, he didn't get out much so he didn't know what to do in social situations.

"It's fine umm..."


"Right. I knew that. Sorry" he says as they start walking towards the nurse's office. Bucky was flustered around him and he didn't know why. He was usually so confident.

"Okay here you go," he says resting Bucky on the chair in the waiting room, "I'll go tell them what happened and then I have to leave. Sorry again."

"It's fine. I'll umm... I'll see you around Steve." Bucky says watching Steve walk up to the desk

~~~ I like time skips so expect to see a lot of these... by the way, this is a time skip to da next day~~~

The next day Bucky couldn't really concentrate on any of his classes he just really wanted to see Steve again. He didn't know why though.

"Earth to Bucky. Dude are you okay?" Natasha asks during their Spanish class

"Uh Yeah. Yeah. I guess I was just daydreaming."

"Ooooohhhh. Who ya dreaming about?"

"Well, yesterday after we said goodbye I ran into the new kid. Literally" he says gesturing to his now wrapped up ankle 

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