Nov. Shoutout and Other News

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Hello everyone! Who's ready for this months shoutout? Weeeelllll....

This months shoutout is...

They've just started to read my stories and they have been really supportive! Thank you for not being a silent reader. Not that I hate silent readers, but your criticism and support helps. I just started reading some of your poems and I think the rest of you guys should check them out! My favorite so far has been Fire, because you can really feel the emotion and pain. Good job! Thank you for reading these one shots, and thank you for being this months shout out!

Also yesterday, November 12, 2018, marks a very sad day. Yesterday a star burned out. Yesterday, the legend Stan lee died. This one of the most upsetting deaths of celebrities I've heard in a while. This man was a huge inspiration to me. Later today I plan on just writing a little thank you to him.

Off of that and note, sorry for not updating. Last week and the next one and a half weeks are really busy. Last week I was preparing Veterans day luncheon and helping with the ceremony for school. Then I was gone all weekend. This week is a little less busy but still busy. I'm going to a creative writing competition! I actually submitted a re-edited version of The Truth on the New Kid. I just changed the names and I had to take parts out because the limit was 10 pages and the original was 13 pages. Finally next week. Next week is Thanksgiving and again my school host a luncheon which I'm helping to prepare, but then we have break! I have quite a big story to wrote during that break, so I hope you're excited! Again sorry for not updating I plan on at least updating more prompts this weekend.

FINALLY, I would like to thank you for 1.5k reads. That is just unimaginable, but here we are. It just seems so surreal! Thank you so much!❤❤❤

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