Writer's Block pt.2

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I walked to the door after putting my journal in my satchel. I looked out my peephole seeing Steve. I'm actually a little scared, but I really don't know why. 

I have to stop letting my thoughts distract me. Jesus Christ open the door already Bucky. 

I slowly opened the door and saw Steve in a leather jacket. I was not ready for that.

"Hey, James!" Steve said excitedly

"Hi... hi St- Steve," Bucky still says in a bit of shock

"Uhm are you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine sorry. Just a little out of it."

"Ok, my ride's downstairs. Let's go!"

My hands were trembling as I pressed the button to go down. How do I stop this? Why am I nervous. Uhgg this is so annoying. Ok, Bucky just calm down.

We walked into the parking garage of the building and I looked around. All I saw was the normal cars and... a motorcycle?

"Hope your okay riding this. I even have an extra helmet," Steve said patting the Motorcycle

 "Yeah, I'm fine with it. I just really didn't think you were this kind of guy," Bucky said rubbing the back of his neck

"What you mean by that?" Steve asked offended

"Oh, God. I didn't mean that to be rude. I just mean you're a vanilla boy," Bucky said not fully realizing what he said

"I'm a what now? What the hell is a vanilla boy?" Steve asked still offended

"It's nothing rude. I promise you I just describe things weirdly.  Can we go?" Bucky asked. He was scared he was about to lose a new friend.

"Yeah. Sorry I overreacted. I just thought I was something against my race or something like that." Steve said. He then handed Bucky a helmet, "Wear this unless you wanna die." 

Bucky took the helmet and put it on. Steve then got on the motorcycle and told Bucky to get on the back and hold on to him.

Bucky did as told and held on to Steve. Then Steve took off. Bucky held on tighter if that was even possible. But Steve enjoyed it. He felt safe in James' arms. 

He could only enjoy it for a few minutes though because they quickly arrived at a small park. It was filled with kids laughing and playing, dogs chasing squirrels, and cute couples on dates. 

"What are we doing here?" Bucky asked a little curious

"Well, I said we were going to hang out. This is my favorite place to go to get inspiration!" Steve said excitedly

"So what are we going to do?" Bucky asked

"Well," Steve said walking towards a picnic blanket, "we're going to have lunch and play a game."

"Okay! Also, this looks amazing Steve! This set up is so cool." Bucky exclaimed

Steve had set up a picnic blanket up under a willow tree. The blanket had a basket in the middle and plates and cushions set up around the sides. 

"Thanks," Steve said rubbing the back of his neck, "I set it up right before I came to pick you up. Um, why don't we eat and start the game?"

They sat down and started eating. Steve had packed turkey sandwiches and different condiments. He also had chips and coke. It was absolutely delicious!

"So what's this game you wanted to play?" Bucky asked whipping his face with a napkin

"It's like truth or dare but you don't get a choice. I ask you a question and you have to answer truthfully and if you choose not to answer or it's not truthful then you have to do the dare."

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