First Night

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You and Sans left Grillby's and were standing outside in the snow, it was close to midnight. How did you know? Well you looked up at the ceiling of the mountain, where you could find small sparkels. You knew it was from crystalls that you once read about. You loved star gaizing and you were missing it so much since monsters were locked underground. You let out a small sigh and turned your head towards Sans who was scratching his neck: "Ehm.....It's pretty late soo...." he looked at the ground but you could still see a big red blush covering his face. It was so cute when he was blushing. You tilted your head and waited patiently for what he wanted to say. He said quietly: "Would you like to spend the night at my place? S-Since it's so late it would be dangerouse for you to go home alone at this time." His blush got worse with every word that left his mouth. You grabbed his hand and smiled at him in response. He tried to hide it, but you could see that he was overwhelmed with happines. Holding your hand he started walking the opposite direction you came from. There were a few houses along your path, all of them had their curtains closed so you couldn't see inside. You started shaking, the cold air of the night was getting to you. You inerly facepalmed yourself for not bringing a jacket of some sort. Sans must have noticed you shaking because he asked you with a slight worry in his voice: "Are you okay?" "Yeah, i'm just cold is all." Without hesitating he took of his jacket and put it around you. You wanted to reject it since it was his and you didn't want him freezing because of you but he assured you that he was fine. The warmth of his jacket filled your bones making you snuggle into it more. You were so distracted by the warmth that you didn't notice the house Sans stoped infront of. You looked up at the house. The curtains were closed but the lights on the inside were still on. Next to the house were two mailboxes. Both empty. You turned to Sans and were about to compliment the house but you noticed his worried look. He sighed before he explained: "My brother is going to be angry at me for coming home so late, don't be surprised if he starts shouting." You nodded, but were confused of why he would be angry at Sans. He was no kid and it was his decision when he went home, wasn't it? Sans walked up to the brown front door and opened it, leading you inside. You were standing in what you guessed was the living room. The room looked comfortable, it included a green and comfy looking couch, a tv, a little brown table between the tv and the couch and a few pictures. There was another table by the left wall with a plate on it. Something grey was on top of the plate. By closer inspection you realised it was a .... a rock? This was the second time today that you were completly confused. You asked why there was a rock on a plate. Sans replied with it being his pet rock. You decided not to question it. A sudden scream stratled you: "SANS! " You looked into the direction the scream came from and  saw the tall skeleton from earlier. He looked pissed and scary, you threw a glance over to Sans who hid you behind his back. You stayed behind his back with the hope that Sans knew what he was doing and that neither of you would get hurt. Sans was sweating a little and started stuttering: "H-hey boss." Boss? Why would he call his brother boss? "I-i met s-someone and i-i was j-just-" He was cut off by his brother yelling: "I DON'T CARE WHAT SORRY EXCUSE YOU HAVE!" He was approaching Sans with his left eye glowing red and emiting a red flame. You couldn't just stand there! You had to do something! You didn't want Sans to get hurt again! He was now really close to you. You felt Sans shaking. You made a decision wich you knew you were going to regret but you couldn't think of anything else to do at that moment. You stepped between Sans and his brother surprising both of them. You put on a smile: " Hello. You must be Sans' brother, right? Nice to meet you." You held out your hand: "I'm (y/n)." He was looking at you before grabbing your hand tightly almost crushing your bones. You held back a yelp and kept smiling. You shook hands. You could feel the tension in the air, it was heavy. You wanted to break this silence, so: "Ehm..... I don't think i got your name." He said a quick Papyrus. You noticed that they were named after fonts. You didn't have time to get more into that thought because you felt Sans step next to you, he still had fear in his eyes. You wanted to help him so you took his shaking hand. He tensed up but relaxed when he saw you making a comforting smile. He looked back at Papyrus who was examining you carefully. You couldn't make out anything in his face. But one thing you knew, he was creeping you out. Luckily you were saved by Sans. "She will spend the night here." He tried to sound brave but his voice was filled with fear. "WHAT!? " Papyrus didn't seem too happy about that. "I-it's too dangerouse for her to go outside at night so she's staying with me." He gripped your hand tighter and you did too, supporting him. You looked at Papyrus. He was pissed, like really pissed. Sans must have seen it too because he lead you towards the stairs. You followed still gripping his hand. You turned back to see Papyrus giving Sans the Your-so-dead-look you glared at him in return. Sans pulled you into the first room and shut the door behind you. The room was simple. One simple bed, a closet and a table. The bed wasn't made. Sans looked at the bed with shame. You laughed: "I feel like i'm home." He looked surprised, clearly he thought that your room was tidy. He sat down on his bed and gestured you to sit next to him. He let out a long troubled sigh. "Sorry 'bout my bro." You smiled: "There's no need to apologize. After all it's not your fault." He still seemed upset. You started patting his back to comfort him. He didn't mind and you felt him relax a little. He sighed again. "So, wanna do somethin' that's not just sittin' here?" He haid his old cool back or at least he seemed to. You shrugged: "Sure. What do you want to do?" He seemed to think a little before suggesting: "Why don't we watch a movie together?" You liked watching movies, you were usually watching movies when you didn't have anything else to do. Just get comfortable on your couch, grab your favourite snack, cuddle up in your blankets and just enjoy the movie. "Yeah! Let's watch a movie." He smiled and you swore you saw a smirk on his face but you brushed it off. You got of Sans' bed and wanted to walk out the door when you felt a boney hand grab your arm. You stopped and turned around. "I think i have a more direct way." At that moment your vision was covered by a flash of red light, almost blinding you. The next moment you were standing in the living room. You smiled when you realised what just happened: He had teleported you. You were surprised, you thought you were the only one who could teleport. He noticed your confusen. "What's wrong?" He seemed worried. "No no! It's just, that i thought i was the only one who could teleport." He was surprised by your words: "You can teleport?" You nodded, happy that you weren't the only one with that ability. He seemed happily surprised aswell. You stayed like that, looking each other in the eyes. You couldn't move. You were mesmerized by his dark red eyes. Sans didn't seem able to move either. You didn't want this moment to end. You couldn't help yourself but to think how wonderfull he looked. You noticed his hand still holding you, tightly. Suddenly a loud explosion made you both jump back. You turned around only to see Papyrus on the couch watching some kind of action movie. You were a little mad that you were interrupted. But oh well, couldn't be changed in a moment like that. But oh well, couldn't be changednow. You turned back to Sans who was scratching his neck awkwardly. You smiled awkwardly, you knew you were blushing. "I'll go grab the snacks." With that he disappeared in the kitchen. You sighed and waited for him to get back. You heard a little shuffeling in the kitchen and a few minutes later he appeared with a bag of popcorn. He went up to the couch and sat down. You sat down between the two brothers. Papyrus didn't look happy. He gave you a death glare. You ignored him. You grabbed a handfull of popcorn and started eating. It tasted good, better than the popcorn you had at home. Papyrus got annoyed by the crunching noises you and Sans were making so he got up and stomped up the stairs. You giggled while Sans smiled. "So what'cha wanna watch?" You shrugged "You get to pick, I don't really care." As your answer left your mouth a giant smirk got onto his face: "How about a horror movie then?" You flinched. You never liked horror movies, you got scared easily. You tried to protest but before you could say anything, he had already pressed play. You hoped it wouldn't be too bad. That hope faded away quickly. Not even a quarter of the movie had passed and you were shaking slightly. You got closer to Sans. You thought you noticed a grin on his face but another scare from the movie made you forget about that. You tried to calm down but another scare made your attempts fail. IN the next scene someone got killed. You turned your head away from the screen. You hated bloodshed. You jumped when you felt someone put a hand around your shoulders: "You okay there?" You shook your head. "How 'bout we switch the movie?" You nodded silently. He picked up the remote and switched to a (insert your favourite type of movie  that is not horror here). You looked up to Sans, you were still in his arms and he was holding you closely. You didn't pull away, since first off you didn't feel like pulling away and second off you didn't want to. It must have been late because you felt really tired. You tried staying awake. But eventually sleep took over you and pulled you into the land of dreams.

(Okay here's the second part of the book. Hope yall like it. Well see you in the next part. BAI!!)

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