Christmas special

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Your eyes shot open and without much thinking you sat up, letting the covers fall of you and the sleeping Sans next to you. You had no time to waste, jumping out of bed, grabbing your clothes and rushing off to get dressed. You slammed both doors behind you shut, probably waking Sans and Papyrus but you had intended anyway. Not even minutes later you left, hurrying back into your shared room. Among your way you heared a few curses and some noises out of Papyrus' room. Now you ran back into your room, only to find a half awake, half asleep Sans perched up on his bed. „What's goin on?" He clearly wasn't fully awake. „Quickly, get your clothes and get up!" You were in a giant rush and full of excitement. Today was a special day. You grabbed his clothes and threw them in his face before you lifted him up with your magic and teleported him of to the bathroom. A thud and curses were heared from the bathroom. Good, at least now he was awake. You rushed down the stairs, through the living room and into the kitchen. It looked like always nothing special about it. Not for long! You reached out both hands. A (f/c) flame formed in your eye sockets and everything jumped to life. Utensils flew out of the cupboards, eggs, flour and other variouse ingredients appeared. Now everything was moving in the kitchen. You were cooking up a storm. Not even a few minutes in and the kitchen was already filled with the smell of cookies and gingerbread and the warmth of the oven. Eventually both brothers made their way into the kitchen, both stopping once in the doorway. They were facinated by your doings. "Good morning, sleepy heads." You greeted them without turning your head, since you were concentrating. It wasn't insanely difficult but it wasn't easy either, afterall you had tO control multiple actions at once. „WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS DISASTER? " Papyrus looked around examing, in his eyes being, chaos. "I'm baking." You didn't have time for stupid questions right now. „For christmas." Now finally Sans decided to say something: „Chirstmas?" Everything stopped. All magic that had effected the objects froze, making everything stay in its current place. You slowly turned around, now being completely visible to both. The brothers tensed up, getting a little afraid of what was about to happen. „You. You don't know what christmas is?!" At first they didn't move, but eventually slowly shook their heads. You took a deep breath, placed your hands together and spoke: „OH MY GOD!" You let your magic spring to life again, continueing it's work in the kitchen, while you pushed the two skeletons out into the living room. Then you ran to one of the corners, measuring it. A few steps back and you snipped with your fingers, letting a giant tree appear in the corner along with a few boxes of christmas tree jewelry. Turning to the brothers, who were now the most confused possible, you spoke again: „Your task is to decorate the tree while i finish backing, got it?" They looked at the tree and then back at you, still confused. „Just put the stuff inside the boxes onto the tree, ok? Make it look good." As a little demonstration you grabbed something out of the box, a little glass ball to be exact, and hung it onto one of the branches. Still a little hesitant they walked closer to the tree and Sans grabbed one just like you before repeating your actions. You gave him a small smile and a nod before leaving to go back to the kitchen. The cookies were almost done just like the other things. All that was left to do was to bake everything. You changed your magic to fulfill the last requirement. It didn't take long, maybe a few minutes. You placed everything down to let it rest and started cleaning the mess. That took more time but eventually the kitchen was shimering again with the wonderfull smell of baked goods filling the room, probably even reaching into other parts of the house. Being finally done with your task, you decided to start your most important one. Presents! You had to get presents for the brothers. A loud crash and curses from the living room caught your attention, so of course you rushed in to see what had happened but it wasn't that tragic when you got there. The two skeletons were arguing, quiet loudy and rudely, a few broken glass decoration on the floor. Great. Just what you needed: two brothers fighting over something broken. It made you facepalm and that was when they noticed you, growing extremly silent on the spot. "Are you two really fighting about this?" Your question held disbeliefe in it. They were still silent, probably a little afraid of what would happen. "Come on guys, don't worry, it's not a problem." With a gentle smile meant for the brothers you surrounded the broken object with your magic. The peaces started fitting back together and the crack running along them slowly sealed up, the decoration now returning to it's former state, now shining brightly on one of the branches. "See? No problem at all. Just try not to break anything else, ok?" You gave another gentle smile before turning towards the coat rack, holding your jacket and scarf. "Where are you goin'?" Sans' was asking with a quizical look on his face. "Just gonna head out to get presents." Now he asked again: "Presents? What presents?" "On christmas you give each other presents. I'll be back soon!" With that you closed the door, you had to hurry anyway, it was getting late. Luckly you had found a store where you could get the things you wanted.

{Little time skip brought to you by christmas}

Finally you were done. You quit the store with a fewsmall bags in your hands. You sure as hell weren't going to walk back, you'd rather choose the easy way, so you teleported right infront of the door. At first you were about to ask them to let you in but you didn't want them to see what you had bought. So instead you just teleported upstairs and locked the door, younhad to wrap the gifts anyway. You had bought some wrapping paper wich you were going to use, so all you needed now was time. You took everything out of the bags and placed it on the floor next to the paper and got to work. Cutting and shuffeling was signaling your work. The brothers either didn't notice or didn't care but that was only good for you, afterall it was getting late so you needed to get done as fast as possible. 

{Another time skip because i realised i have to get done with this chapter} 

After some time you were done, picked up all the presents and hurried down the stairs. Once downstairs you placed the now wrapped presents under the tree and took a few steps back to see how it looked. Sans and Papyrus had done an amazing job. The tree was filled with decorations, sparkling and shimering everywhere with a shiny gold star one the top. „Did we do it right?" A voice asked from behind you. It was Sans standing next to Papyrus. „Yes, you guys did an amazing job. The tree is beautiful." After a smile you headed towards kitchen and gave Sans a little kiss on the way. The cookies and such had cooled down enough to be eaten. You placed everything on some plates and made it look good, before bringing them out into the living room. Uppon setting it down the brothers quickly surrounded the baked goods, quickly grabbing some and devouering them. A few compliments fell, even though most of them were muffled ones, it still made you happy that they were liking your creations. A thought appeared in your head and before it was all gone you grabbed some of the treats and placed them in a paper bag. Those were for someone else. In the meantime Sans and Papyrus noticed the gifts under the tree. „FOR WHOM ARE THOSE? " Papyrus asked in a demanding tone. „Those are your presents for christmas. Feel free to open them." You didnt need to tell them twice, both imediatly grabbing and sorting presents. it wasnt much but they still were happy about their new belongings. For Papyrus you got a trap building book and a black leather jacket along wuth a pair of black jeans. He nodded with something similar to a smile. For Sans you bought a pack of mustard and a book with 101 puns. He chuckled upon seeing the titel but Papyrus just sighed: „GREAT JUST WHAT WE NEEDED. SOME MORE STUPID PUNS. " You both ignored his comment. Suddenly you noticed two little wrapped presents under the tree. But you had only made 4 not 6. You picked them up with your magic and brought them to you. They had your name written on them. You threw a glance at Sans and he was smiling and nodding, signaling you to open them. The first one was rather thin and hard, the second one soft. You ripped the wrapping of the first one. It was a little note book with some colored pencils. It made you smile. You freed the second object, revieling a red and (f/c) scarf. It didn't look like it was bought more like it was made. You looked over at Sans again only to see him smiling shyly at you. He got you those presents! You trew your arms around him and whispered a thank you into his non existent ear. You felt his body calm down being relieved that you liked your gifts. After you let go the ticking of a clock reminded you of something. „I'll be right back guys." and teleprted away, landing infrontof the big door. You gave it a few knocks and the familiar voice asked you inside. Gaster was still in his dark room, all alone. Before he was able to ask you almost shouted :"Merry Christmas!!" He got a bit starteled but returned your words. You gave him the bag of sweets amd explained that you didnt know what other gift you could get him. „Its fine. Thank you for these." It made you happy that ypu could make him happy a little aswell. After a small conversation you said your good byes and left. You teleported right onto the couch next to Sans. You got into a converstion but in the end all of you went to bed happily. This was ypur best Christmas. 

(Heya. Im so sorry im late. I was sick on christmas so i couldnt really write. I know i should have done it earlier but i didnt have time. I still wish all of you a merry christmas and a happy new year. Hope 2019 turns out to be a good year for everybody. Enjoy this year. And btw i just notcied: OMG WEVE HIT 1.1K READS! OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH! THIS IS SUCH A GREAT PRESENT FOR CHRISTMAS! THANK YOU ALL!!! See you in the next chapter! BAI!!)

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