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Sans had teleported both of you to his house and both of you went to sleep in his room. Currently it was late morning and you were about to wake up. You were lying on a comfortable object, wich was his bed. But you were feeling wierd. You had been shifting in your sleep for quiet some time now. You were feeling hot, extremly hot. Finally you woke up realising your uncomfortable situation. You sat up with a groan, opening your eyes. You were alone in Sans' room lying on his bed. You got up, having that awfull feeling still run through your bones. Maybe a  shower would fix it? You left his room, heading towards the bathroom. The room was already a little cold, but not too much. You took of the few clothes you had on, before you got into the shower. The cold air surrounded your body, cooling the hot feeling a little but not enough. You turned on the water and emidiatly jumped when you felt the extremly cold water touch you. You quickly turned the water temperature higher but not to hot. You let the water drip flow down your bones, hoping it would calm this uncomfortable feeling. You took your time uner the water to make sure the feeling was completely gone. You didn't know what that feeling was but you didn't like it therefor you didn't want it. Something around half an hour had passed before you turned the water off. You got out, dried yourself and put on the clothes that you had brought into the bathroom with you. The feeling had died down a considerable amount, at least enough that you could ignore it. You walked downstairs hoping to finally see someone else except your shadow. Once you entered the kitchen, you found the two monsteres you were looking for. Sans and Papyrus were both sitting at the table, Sans with his back towards you. Papyrus noticed you first but before he could tell his brother, you placed your finger on your mouth, signaling him to stay quiet. He smiled, winked and looked back down onto his food, pretending nothing had happened. Sans didn't seem to have noticed anything. Great you smirked to yourself. You lifted both your hands, tip toeing behind Sans, taking a deep breath and: "BOO!" you smacked your hands down onto his shoulders. He jumped up, making a small high pitched scream before swinging around with his one eye flaming red. You started laughing your non existent ass off, along with Papyrus. Sans' red flame had disappeared and he was clutching his shirt where his soul would be, breathing heavily. "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!?" he screamed at you. This only caused you to fall against the wall, barely holding yourself together from the laughter. His breathing had calmed down but he still looked pissed. He stomped over to his seat and sat down, looking away from you. You pulled yourself together, now only giggling here and there and walked infront of him. "Awh, come on, it was only a little scare." you said in a teasing tone. He narrowed his eyes at you, signaling that he was still pissed. You gave him a big kiss on his cheekbone, calming him down a little, before sitting down infront of your own food. A few minutes after Papyrus got up: "I WILL BE AT UNDYNE'S PLACE FOR THE WHOLE DAY AND I WILL COME BACK EARLY THE NEXT DAY. " You were going to question why but you could imagine it was because of something to do with the Royal Guards so you just nodded. With that he left the house but not before slamming the front door shut. It was already around noon. You finished your food and both you and Sans walked into the living room. "So, what do you want to do, sweetheart?" You blushed at the nickname, feeling that awful feeling return. "Watch a movie? Maybe?" He seemed a little disappointed by your answer but quickly hid it, getting up and looking for a movie under the tv. This awfull feeling was returning slowly. He put the movie in and sat down on the couch, switching the tv on. It was a romantic movie. You had scooted a little away from Sans, in fear of this feeling getting worse. Unfortunately, he noticed and got next to you. Almost touching you. The feeling suddenly increased by a lot. This was going to be a long day.

(Okay, so i was going to put the smut into this chapter but i just want to drag it out a little and i also want to make up for not posting anything for weeks. So yeah heres my new chapter. Hope you enjoy and as always leave a comment maybe. See you in the next chapter. BAI!!)

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