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I walked into the house the next day after crashing at Freedos. It was about 9am. I knew i was gonna get an earfull, i just faced facts and walked home accepting that i was gonna have to face Danny at one point or another.

Is i was walking i saw two guys walk down the block. One of them nodded over to me and the other one looked. I put my head down, FUCK, i forgot my gun at home. I knew the dudes were trouble. I ducked into the ally way, not running but speed walking. I was only a couple blocks from home i could make it. I heard voices behind me.

"Ay ma? Where you goin?" They asked.

"I know you, you lil papis sister." The other dude said i stopped.

"Shit imma enjoy this" the first guy said. I took off. I was almost at the end of the ally when i felt something sting my leg. It took a second before i heard the ringing. Shit. I got shot.

The pain hit me a second later throwing me off my feet, i fell over and the taller guy pulled me back into the ally.

"Fuck you going huh?" They asked. I saw the neck tattoo on the short haired dude. Crips.

"Fuck you both" i said kicking the guy off me. I stood up and went to hop away when i was pushed against the wall.

"You got some bite for a chick" he said with his hand on my thoat. I kicked him in the balls and he hunched over, his friend stood up and slapped me. I felt blood trickle down my cheek. I laughed.

"You shouldn't have done that." I said. I went to lunge forward when the ringing went off again. It took me a second before i saw the two dudes running. Then i fell down with a sharp pain in my stomach. I looked down to see a pool of blood on my shirt. I fell backwards onto the street. I was literaly across the road from my house. The pain took over me and my eyes blurred. I heard someone shout on me but i couldn't tell who. Before i could answer i saw black.


I heard the beeping from my monitor as i opened my eyes. I felt tired and my eyes were heavy. The room was dark but it was light outside. I heard someone talk and i concentrated on his voice.

It was Markus.

"Papi, por favor, cálmate, ella estará bien." He said. He must be on the phone to my father.
(Dad, please calm down, shes gonna be ok)

"encontraremos a los bastardos que hicieron esto, lo prometo" he said again. My eyes were closed but i heard him walk over to me.
(We'll find the bastard who did this, i promise)

"I failed you sis, i promised Papi that i would be by you always. Now look atchu, por favour, forgive me" he said. I slowly opened my eyes. He had his head in his hands sniffling. WAS he CRYING? i put my hand on his head, he shot up looking at me.

"Shit" he mumbled whiping his face.

"Hay" i crocked out. My mouth was dry. Markus scrabled to give me water.

"Shit Sineta, you had everybody fucking worried!" He said. "I thought you were gonna die. I thought you were dead when i came out to get you" he said shaking his head.

"Im fine" i said taking a sip of water. I felt my body ache.

"You been out for 8 days" he said. I almost chocked.

"Eight days!" I said. He nodded.

"You had to have mad transplants and surgery" he said. I took a breath. "Everybody been rolling through, Freedo, Oli, all the guys and Sara came by too" he said.

"Wheres Danny?" I asked. Markus looked at me. I sat up, ignoring all the pain in my stomach. "Wheres Danny Markus!" I almost shouted.

"He ain't been around a'ite. He brought you to the hospital then went MIA. he aint been home or nothing" Markus told me. You could hear my heart monitor speed up.

"Yo Sis, chill" Markus said "imma go find a nurse." He said walking out the room. Where the fuck could he be? He hasn't been around? What if he went after those dudes? What if hes dead? What if hes hurt? I was over thinking so much.


I begged the doctors to let me go home bur they said no. I had to stay in for a few more days and speak to police. I wasnt about to talk to no cops. I already told Markus the two dudes deacriptions of what i remembered. He identified onw of the dudes as Raylee Washington.

He was born into the crips. He was a relitive of Raymond Washington. The man who started the Crips all those years ago. He thought because he was in the blood line that he was safe. Well my brother was out for revenge, and as soon as i was aloud out this fucking bed so was i.

It was late, i was starting to get bored but i wasn't tired, thats when someone came in my room. I panicked and pretended to be sleeping after i saw the hood. I heard the door close and a sigh. I was ready to fight when someone else came in.

"I told you, you gotta keep the door open Danny" she said.

"Sorry Gloria, i just didn't want the light to get in, she likes sleeping with the room completely dark" he said.

"Alright, ill close the door. Wake you up at 6:30 again son?" She asked. Then the door closed. I lay still for a minuet to see if he would speak.

"They told me you woke up today. Im sorry i wasn't here, i been in the studio with Shotty and Drew. This music shits gonna take off and as soon as it does. Im getting you outta here." He said. I stayed still. Breathing evenly. Listening to him.

"Hes saying the stuff ive been posting has been going viral in Europe. I might be doin' a tour out there. Not until you're better though, i want you with me." He sold me. Moved alittle and he laughed quietly.

"You know the past week all ive done is worry about you babita. You had me scared as fuck. I aint ever felt like that since my dad passed, i thought i lost you. I thought the last time we would have spoken would have been us arguing." He said sighing. I moved again and slowly blinked my eyes open.

"You awake?" He asked. I nodded.

"Have you spoke to Markus?" He asked. I nodded.

"He said you're MIA" i said. "You aint even been to see Saraiyah" i added.

"I been doing some shit. She'll thank me when shes older" he said. I nodded.

"Are you doing ok? The nurses been letting me sleep here at night, i aint wanna go home knowing you're here" he said taking my hand.

"Im ok" i said. I looked him up and down. He look real dirty. I sighed.

"Danny go home, get a shower and clean clothes. You look sick or homeless" i said.

"Dont worry about me Sineta, im good a'ite, i just wanna be near you" he said lowering his head again.

"Danny look at me" i said taking another sip of water. He looked into my eyes. "Im sorry, for fighting with you. I shouldn't have been mad. You got alot going on and i was just jelous   that i couldn't spend more time with you" i said. He shook his head.

"you had every right to be mad, i dont spend enough time with you. I ain't ever been as scared to lose anyone as much as i was of losing you when we drove you here. I was just praying. I aint prayed in forever but i prayed you was gonna be a'ite. There was just too much blood and i was thinking, i cant fucking loose her" He told me.

I moved over on my small bed, again, ignoring the pain in my stomach.

"C'mere" i said to him. He took his shoes and jumper off before getting in beside me. He never touched me apart from laying a hand on my cheek.  I put a hand aroung his neck and pecked his lips.

"Im gonna protect you from now on Sanita. With my life because losing you would be the end of me" he said.

"I aint going anywhere" i said holding him. We lay like this until I finally fell asleep.

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