Chapter 3: Everybody's Favorite Osaka-born Hothead Has Arrived

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Alumina's POV
It was the day after Cole and I came to Teitan. Cole was already at his desk with his head on the table asleep, mumbling something about scary needles. Yeah, he has some weird dreams... Like this one time he was dreaming about chicken and... Sorry I don't think any one cares about that. Anyways back to the story. As I said Cole was sleeping on his desk and I was talking to Conan-kun.
"How long have ya known Harley-nii for, Conan-kun?" I asked curious.
"I met him at a case with Moore-ojisan," Conan replied with a shrug,"he comes around often, or at least he used to,"
'I know the reason why that is," I thought with a smirk,"oh cousin of mine, how you've gotten in tr-
"Why are you smiling, Anais-chan?" Conan asked taking me out of my reverie.
"Oh nothin, just thought of somethin funny," I answered giving out a few fake sniggers.
"What was funny?" He asked.
"Somethin' bout Harley-nii, Conan-kun,"
"Oh," Just then Señora Kobayashi came in and said,"good morning," very loudly and heartily. That woke up Cole who stood up and shouted,"who, what, when, why!"
"Class has begun, oh dear hermano of mine," I told him as he gave a sheepish smile.
"Oops..." Everyone laughed a bit at his reaction.
"Okay kids settle down," Kobayashi said again with a bright smile,"there's a bit of a surprise today."
"What may that be, maestra?" Cole and I asked in unison, although we knew exactly what she was talking about.
"We have a new student coming today all the way from Osaka," Kobayashi explained," you may come on in now!" A boy with dark skin and green eyes walked in from the hallway. He was dressed with a plain green t-shirt, regular jeans, and green and black sneakers. On his head was a much too large baseball cap.
"Hi, my name's Hakino Hideo ," The boy introduced himself confidently to the class, although he did have a small blush. Everybody except Cole, Conan( which I found odd. He is a child...right?) and I started to laugh.
"He speaks Japanese weird!" One of the kids exclaimed.
"Oi, Osaka-ben is perfec'ly good Japanese!" Hideo yelled angrily to the offending kid. Just then Cole and I started to burst out laughing. Hideo, or accurately known as our favorite Osakan cousin, Harley, looked at us with an angry glare.
"Why are ya laughin at me fer!" Harley yelled to us with his arms crossed.
"Oh cousin of ours," Cole started still laughing hysterically.
"Your reaction was just too funny," I continued also laughing but on a much lesser extent then my brother.
"We just couldn't resist!" We concluded simultaneously.
"Some cousins ya are!" Harley shouted with a huff.
"Sorry Ha-" Cole started but I grabbed his mouth.
"Sorry Hideo my dear cousin," I said with a pointed glare to Cole who was licking my hand to try to get my hand off his mouth.
"Okay, class," Kobayashi said to class," is there any questions for Hideo-san?" Amy raised her hand first.
'Figures she would raise her hand first,' I thought with a roll of the eyes.
"How old are you?" She asked.
"Seven..."Harley answered quietly.
"Nobody else?" Kobayashi asked. Everyone shook their head.
"Okay then, Hideo, you may sit next to your cousin, Anais-chan,"
"Hai," Harley said with a nod of his head(hey that rhymed!) Harley started to walk towards his new desk and he sat down.
"Dis is goin ta be torture, ain't it?" Harley whispered to me. I nodded my head very discreetly. Harley groaned and hit his head on his desk.
'Why do my relatives have to be so insufferable?!' I screamed in my head.

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