Why Do They Look Familiar?

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Conan POV

I can easily say that something was very suspicious of the three transfer students. The first thing was, at first Anais and Axel came in and the next day their 'cousin' comes in next? I don't know about you but that seems a little but off. Not only that they look very familiar, especially the Hideo guy. He looked exactly like Hartwell! Not only that but I feel like I've met the Romero twins before, it's at the tip of my tongue. They look exactly like the twins I used to play with when we were actually kids. Heck we were best friends! They both were into detective stuff too. I mean c'mon their rooms were filled with mystery books and posters. Their names were Alumina and Cole Holmes. Cool right? I met them when we were five when they moved to the house next door. Well up until they moved to America. I remember I was depressed for a month until I snapped out of it. Could they be shrunk? Is there even a Black Organization in America? If there was I wouldn't be surprised. But why would they be caught by them, they weren't detectives, well not that I know of. Last time I heard from them was the day before I shrunk and they told me they were into acting like their parents, so why would the Organization want to kill them? And the Hideo guy. I wouldn't be surprised if it was Hartwell, really I wouldn't. It'd be just like him to follow them and they would want to kill him.

"What him too?!?!" The twins shouted from their spot with the Hartwell look-a-like. Everyone in the vicinity turned to their direction, really quiet. You could tell everyone was confused. Axel smiled sheepishly while Anais had an embarrassed blush on her face. Hideo just covered his ears from the yell. It was pretty loud. I can't imagine how loud it was from his position.

"Sorry! Go back to playin'!" Anais called as she turned back towards her cousin. Axel did the same.


I was walking back towards the Moore Detective Agency when I passed Anais and Axel. I walked towards them with a wave.

"Hi, you don't usually go this way," I stated putting up my childish facade," why are you going this way?" Axel seemed to fidget under my gaze but Anais stayed calmed albeit she was sweating a little bit.

"Someone got kidnapped the way we usually go home, so mama told us ta go this way." Anais replied," sorry bout Axel he's not feeling very well." I noticed she spoke with a slight Osakan accent for some reason.

"Why are you speaking like that?" I asked trying to get some answers but Anais stayed calm.

"With an accent?" She asked. I nodded. She smiled a little bit," sorry' bout that but I sometimes get a slight Osakan accent some days, no one know why. My brother does too but his is stronger then mine." Axel demonstrated as we started to walk, talking all the while.

"It's something we picked up in Osaka and with an Osakan cousin, ya here it more. An' I kinda like da accent." He replied with a shrug," it'd probably be gone tamorrow." I nodded slowly.

"So where do you guys live?" I asked trying to see if my theory was right. If they said next to the Kudo Mansioon than they probably were them or they just moved there with their parents.

"Next ta da Kudo Mansion," Axel answered.

'Yes! Now we're getting somewhere!' I thought triumphantly.

"Why are you smiling?" Anais asked with her head cocked to the side.

"Nothing!" I said quickly.

"If ya say so," Axel replied with a shrug," see ya later Ku- cha- Conan!" I stood there dumbfounded, they almost said get my name. Does this mean Alumina and Cole are back?


Hey guys I hope ya enjoyed this chapter, I know I enjoyed writing it! Okay I wanted to start doing this kind of question of the day and shout out corner kind of thing, just for the heck of it. Okay first the shout outs. Thanks for all three of these readers who had read my story since the beginning and have been great support to me!



And last but not least Masumi_16! Thank you guys for the support! Male sure you go to their rifles and check out their stories and/or reading lists! Oh and make sure you follow them too! Okay now for the question. If you were in the Detective Conan Universe what would you be and why? A detective, someone who shrunk, a friend of your favorite character, Black Organization member, a shrunken detective, or a thief? Leave your answers in the comments! I would say I would be a shrunken detective. I would love ta be a kid again and if I was a kid I could get past any thing, except maybe giant walls... and adults.

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