Happy Reunions and Tragic Stories Part 1

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After Alumina had hung up, she turned to the two idiots who were now fighting over the last "Sweet Chili Doritos." Alumina closed her eyes in annoyance, walked over to them, and bonked them on the head as hard as she could. Cole and Harley immediately stopped and began to rub their heads, tears in the corners of their eyes.

"What did you do that for!" They whined.

Alumina growled," Shin-chan's gonna come tomorrow and we need to pick this place up!" The house was covered with litter and dust, and Alumina likes to be presentable.

"Aw man do we have to?" Harley complained standing up," and besides, he won't care. Trust me.

"I agree with Hei-chan!" Cole mumbled on the ground, eyes spinning. Alumina rolled her eyes and sighed in defeat.

"Fine, but if he complains, you're gonna say hello to Mr. Frying Pan of Doom!" Harley and Cole hugged each other in fear at her tone. She smirked.


The next day, Conan woke up extremely early, and left the house without being seen, writing a note telling Ran where he would be. He ran all the way over there, barely being able to contain his excitement. His dearest friends (besides Ran) were back. This is too good to be true! He quickened his pace when he saw their house loom over him. He scurried to the door, smiling from ear-to-ear. He came up to the door and knocked once, twice, three times, until the door opened. Alumina stood in the door way with a warm smile upon her face. He then heard footsteps and Cole's eager face appeared under the arm Alumina was holding the door open with.

"Hey Ku-chan!" He exclaimed, smiling cheekily," did you get shorter?" Conan looked at him skeptically, but then they all began to laugh.

"Come in, Ku-chan!" Alumina waved him over and they went inside.

"So how did this happen? And where's Harley?" Conan asked looking around the lush living room.

"He's hiding up in our parents' room," Cole replied, jumping up and down on the couch, his green baggy shirt going up and down.

"He's scared... He just doesn't want you to laugh at him," Alumina answered, shaking her head. Conan sniggered a bit, and nodded.

"OK, back to the topic at hand..." Conan began. Alumina and Cole looked at each other and sighed.

"Ok," they said in unison, looking to their feet," it started three weeks ago..."

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