Chapter 4 (Before overhaul)

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Holy shit, after 3 chapters, this story places #152 in EreMika, nearly half way to the top. Doesn't seem like much, but it still surprises the hell out of me. Thank you guys for reading. Here's a new chapter for you all


Eren woke up to Mikasa shaking him

"Eren" She whispered quietly, "Eren wake up"

He opened his eyes, and covered them from the sun

"The hell..?" He asks himself, "When did I fall asleep?"

"About an hour ago" She responds, yanking him up

"Ow.." He says, rubbing his shoulder, "You don't have to pull me up that hard. I'm still a human"

"Awhh, did Eren hurt his shoulder?" Mikasa says, trying to get on Erens nerves, "Want me to take care of it?" She asks

"No.. I'm fine" He says, looking away

"Are you sure?" She asks, poking his shoulder

"Yes I'm sure!" He snaps back, swiping her hand away

"Geez.. Someones angry" She remarks smirking

"Shut up.." He replies, looking away again

She laughs, and opens her mouth to say something, when Levi shouts in the distance

"Ackerman! Jeager!" He screams "There's been another breach! We need you!"

"Dammit.." Eren curses, and begins running towards him, Mikasa swiftly following

"What the hell happened!?" Eren screams, putting his 3DMG on

"Some idiots left the walls without telling us, they got back in, and titans were on their tail. There's a hundred of the bastards, if not more." Levi replies, running towards the exit, Eren following


They neared the point of the breach, as they got closer, the screams of the civilians grew more apparent.

Eren looks down at the destruction below him, watching crowds of people run towards the other gate, a huge mass of people already there. Then, Eren heard something

"Mommy!" A kid screamed

When Eren heard that, something in him snapped. He remembered his mothers last moments. Eren flung himself from the top of the wall, determined to help that kid, and their mother.

"Jeager!" Levi screamed, "You weren't given orders!"

Mikasa just screamed his name, and was about to chase after him, when Levi held her back

"No, Let him go alone. If he gets himself killed that's his own fault." He says, walking over to a squad, giving them orders, with Mikasa reluctantly following

Meanwhile, Eren is flying through the buildings, going towards where he heard the child scream. Then, he noticed a small clearing. A titan, ten meters had the woman in its grasp, bringing her towards its mouth, with the kid banging on its ankle.

Eren screamed, and flew towards it, making a clean cut through the nape. It fell back, releasing the woman crawled out of its hand, and hugged the small boy, before looking at Eren, gratitude flooding into her eyes.

"Thank you" She says, before running to the now opening gates.

Eren smiles slightly, before feeling the building he stood on shake. His ears perk up, as he hears the rhythmic thumping of a titan walking. He turns to look at it.

"Son of a bitch.." He mutters, before he's sent flying by the titans arm swiping him off the building, and into another.

Eren groans in pain, standing up, almost falling over again from the pain. He looks up at the fifteen meter giant towering over him. He tries flying away, but nothing happens. He looks down at his gear, seeing it destroyed.

"Give me a break.." He mutters, before ducking under another swipe from the titan.

He begins limping away from it, and turns into an ally. He looks at the rubble from a crushed building. Dead end.

"Shit.." He says to himself, turning back to the titan heading his way.

He tries climbing the rubble, but slips and lands on the ground.

He looks up at the titan again, which is reaching down for him. He feels something warm touch his arm, and looks down at the steam rising from his leg.

"Just in time.." He smirks to himself, before ducking under the hand and running between the titans leg.

While he runs through it, he cuts its ankle, making it lose balance and stumble. He cuts the other one, and the titan falls head first into the rubble. When it falls, he sees someone fly through, and cut its nape. He notices the familiar red scarf around the persons neck.

"Mikas-" He was cut off by a hard smack across the face

"You idiot!" She screams at him, "You could've died!" She says, tears welling up in her eyes. "I thought I lost you again!"

"Mikasa im fine!" He says, embracing her.

"I saw you get hit off the building.. I tried to help but Levi wouldn't let me until the squad dispersed and was sent down to fight off the titans.." She says, hugging him tightly, sniffling

"I'm fine.." He says again.

"Hey!" They hear Levi's shouting "We're not done here! You'll have time for this later." He says, then he directs his attention to Eren. "Jeager." He says sternly "I'm going to have a word with you after we're done here" He says, before flying off.

"Great.." He groans. "If I don't die here, I'll die from him.."

Mikasa backs away, looking at his gear.

"Your gear.." She says, "It's-"

"I know" He replies, looking down at it.

"What will you do?" She asks, looking back up at him.

He just smirks, and looks down at his hand

"Eren.." Mikasa says, realizing what he's going to do. "Eren no"

Eren just runs back to a safe distance, and transforms, roaring.

"Levi's going to kill him.." Mikasa mutters to herself, before flying on top of a building.

Eren begins walking to the nearest titan, engaging it with a battle. Withing mere seconds, the titan is dead, and Eren moves onto the next one, going through them one by one. Then they heard the cry,

"Captain!" One of the survey corps members yell. "All the titans are heading towards the mass of people!"

Hearing this, Eren charges through, pushing the titans out of his way as he goes towards the gates. Once there he looks down at all of them, before throwing a stray titan away from them. The remaining scouts surround them, fighting all of the titans off until the civilians are safe. Only then, does Eren succumbs to his exhaustion, falling over.


There we go! Another chapter up. Thank you guys for reading this!

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