Chapter 16

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___________________________Eren was awoken to a hard smack against across his forehead with some hard object. He yelped, and sat up quickly, rubbing his head.

"What the hell?" he whined, looking up to Mikasa.

"You weren't waking up" She shrugged, a few seconds of silence ensued, before Mikasa continues, "And that's for what you did in the food hall.. now get ready, you have 15 minutes."

Eren groaned, and stood up, walking over to his dresser to get some better looking clothes. While searching, he speaks up

"Aren't you going to go get dressed? You're just wearing sleep wear aren't you?"

"I'm just waiting for you to step into another room, I have my clothes here"

Eren went into the other room, and changed into his clothes, before knocking on his bedroom door.

"Never thought i'd be knocking on my door.."

A muffled, "Just a second!" came from the other side of the door, and then a, "Okay, now you can come in"

He opened the door, and stepped into the room. He looked at Mikasa, and smiled.

"you look great"

Mikasa looked at the ground slight tinge on her cheeks.

"Thanks, you don't look to bad yourself"

He walks over to her, and flips up her hair, "Decided to tie it up?" He asks, "It suits you."

She nodded, "let's go" She says, grabbing his hand, and tugging him out the door.
Mikasa and Eren walked over to where Armin told them to go. Who, of course was already ready.

Armin looked at them

"Damn, you're here early. I was expecting Eren to take a lot longer"

Eren was just about to tell Armin off, when Mikasa jabbed him with her elbow.

"Yeah, I made him wake up"

"How does someone make Eren wake up? That's damn near impossible" Armin laughed

"I just shoo-"

"She slammed a hard cover book across my face" Eren muttered, rubbing his cheek

Armin looked at Mikasa wide-eyed

"He'll get over it" she shrugged, to which Armin began laughing again.

Eren glared at her, and Mikasa just gave an innocent smile.

"You're a jackass.."

"Yeah, but you still love me"

Eren just looked forward, "Point taken.."

"Alright you're going to make me sick, let's go!" Armin said, walking away.

They both followed him

"So.. where are we going?" Eren asked Armin

"Uh.. how about.. there's a big gathering, we could go there, see what it's about"

"How big?" Eren asked him, cocking an eyebrow

"It's pretty big, it's a big festival, or something"

Eren looked at Mikasa, who gave him an uneasy look.

"No.." Eren looked at Armin. "No big crowds"

"Why?" Armin asked, turning to him.

It was unlike Armin to forget important things, did Mikasa never tell him?

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