Chapter 15

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Eren and Mikasa walked into the food hall, and went to get the food, which was the usual runny soup and bread.

They sat in the back corner, at the table they always sat at, and Armin looked up.

"Finally awake you two? You both seemed pretty peaceful" He stated, lifting an eyebrow.

Mikasa glared at the blonde, as the surrounding tables went silent.  Eren looked at him, almost ready to punch his childhood friend.

"Armin!" He hissed, "Don't say that shit!"

Armin started to giggle, so he stuffed bread into his mouth to stifle it.

"I swear to god i'm going to punch you.." Eren groaned, which earned a jab from Mikasa, causing Eren to jump.

He groaned, and rubbed his side, before looking at Mikasa.

"Don't give me that look, you know exactly what you did."

He nodded and started eating, by this time, a few murmurs will going around. A particular sentence made Eren listen in.

"So Mikasa is actually dating Eren? That's kind of sad.. The boy who broke her heart a few years ago."

"You'd think she'd go for someone who actually cared for her."

Eren stood up, and began walking to a table in the middle of the building. He jumped atop of it, and cleared his throat, and began yelling

"Yes, Mikasa and I are dating, and yes, I screwed up a few years ago. But you see, everything is fixed between us. I love her, she loves me, everything is just perfect. If you have any objections to this relationship, you can promptly go fu-"

His eyes landed on Mikasa, who was glaring at him, mouthing "Don't finish that sentence Eren"

His mouth shut for a minute, before saying, "You can talk to us about it.."

He hopped off the table, making sure to "accidentally" kick a bowl of soup into the face of one of the people talking about them, and sat by Mikasa wrapping an arm around her.

His eyes scanned the room for a particular long-faced man, who was probably sulking in the shadows.

Mikasa shifted slightly, uncomfortable with all the attention drawn towards them as they ate.

"You know Eren, we haven't done anything together as a group since you left.. what do you say we go do something?" Armin asked him.

"Uh sure.." Eren replied, looking to Mikasa to see if she was okay with it, to which she nodded.

Armin beamed, "Great!" he said, "Come back here in about three hours"

They both nodded, and Eren yawned.

"I'm going back to sleep.." Eren groaned, then looked at Mikasa, "Care to join?"

She shrugged, "I guess i'll sit in the bed next to you, but I'm just going to read"

He started walking with her, "Since when do you read?" He asked,l

"I started when you left, to try to get my mind off of you. Of course it didn't work, but I did find some enjoyment in it"

They entered his cabin, and Eren slipped in the bed, and under the covers. Mikasa slipped under the covers as well, but was sitting up. She pulled a book out from her bag that she had brought in earlier that day.

Ere turned to face her, to which she smiled.

"Mind reading aloud?" He asked her, "Believe it or not, but your voice is really calming."

She nodded, and began reading to Eren, who smiled and closed his eyes, drifting off.

Boom, done, sorry for the short chapter, The next one will be about the usual length. Thanks for reading, and i'll see you later. Bye

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