Chapter 5

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Hello, i'm back, after like, an eternity. In the time I was gone, i've realized how much of an overhaul this story needs. It's going quite fast, and is frankly, very cliche. So, I'm going to start over, but not going to delete the last few chapters. Enjoy
Eren woke up, and sat up, patting beside his bed.

"No mikasa..?"

He sighs, relieved. It was just a dream (A very long one mind you) His face scrunched up at the thought of him dating his.. childhood friend.
"How strange, waking up right when i pass out in the dream.." He said, acknowledging the strange coincidence.

He stands up, and stretches, letting out a prolonged exhale as his once right joints popped into looseness. Just then, he heard a knocking at his door, followed by the all too familiar sound.

"Eren, time to get up," The speaking of his raven haired friend.

He groaned, and let out a "I'm up, go to the food hall i'll be there in a bit"

He heard the light tapping of footsteps echo through the corridor, as she walked away. Eren got dressed, changing from his sleepwear to his uniform, before heading to the mess hall.

He walked in, and grabbed some food and sat down in between Armin, and Mikasa. Instead of eating however, he just picked at his food, thinking about the dream. Mikasa, taking notice to this, spoke up.

"Eren, you need to eat" She looked over to him

"I'm not really hungry.." He replied, still looking at his food.

"Eren.." Everyone in earshot to this tensed up, and got ready for what was about to come. "eat"

Right when the word registered, he slammed his fist into the table, his runny soup, and drink splashing into the table, along with the others at the table.

"Dammit Mikasa! How many times to i have to tell you, I can look after myself!" He started ranting about her.

Mikasa, though she didn't show it, was hurting at what he was saying. And for the first time, she stood up for herself.

"You know what Eren, ever since we fought the Reiss titan, you've had major mood swings. One day you're happy, the next day you're depressed, then you're pissed off at everything. What happened to you? I just want the old Eren back. You know, the one who's treat me like crap? Because then, i'd know what to expect from him. Now you've just become an even bigger asshole" She yelled back.

Eren stood up, before firing off again "I wouldn't act like this if you didn't treat me like I can't help myself!"

"You know what, Eren? I'm done, I'm done with you, I can't handle this anymore. If you want to act like you're actually worth a damn, go ahead. But I'm tired of always cleaning up after yourself, and trying to take care of you. You can take your bullshit and shove it up your ass, I never want to see you again.

These words hit Eren like bullets, and it  hurt Mikasa saying them as well, she didn't mean it, she and Armin both knew that, but Eren took it to heart, and along with cussing, and smashing a bowl onto the floor, he walked out. Everyone was staring at them, some murmuring ensued, and Armin looked to Mikasa.

"He seemed really upset that you said that. you know what happened in those caves, you can't blame him. He had a lot on his shoulders"

"Be quite Armin, he's had this coming for a long time now" She said, trying not to run out after him to apologize.

"I know you don't mea-" Armin stared again, before Mikasa cut him off.

"I said shut up! Don't turn into Eren, let it be!" She snapped back.

Armin just stood up, and began walking out. "I'm going to check on Eren, see you later Mikasa"

Armin looked around, before heading off to Erens room. He knocked on the door, and after no answer, pushed it open. to see eren.. gone. The key sitting on the dresser, with a quickly scribbled note saying

"Take this Armin, and go to the basement. Goodbye"

Armin quickly ran to the mess hall, and pushed open the door.

"Erens gone!"

Alright guys, there we go! Chapter is finished, thanks for reading, and I'm gonna get started on the next chapter, Peace.

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