DP-Chapter 16

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2 month's later

Dash's leg shakes uncontrollably as we sit waiting for the judge. Its been a long week of court but I'm sure they'll give full costody to him. He's so scared he won't get to keep Dax and he's cried every night. I lay my hand on his knee, trying to calm him, and squeeze when they come back in. "Costody will be given to the father, visitation prohibited for mother, have a nice day."

I smile wide and look at Dash. "You did it. You got your son and she won't be able to bother you again." He jumps up and spins me around. "This calls for a celebration, I say we go out to eat tonight." He nods and we leave to pick up the kids. They decided to stay with Kwan and Dan.

We get there and invite them to come eat with us then head to a nice Mexican restaurant. After eating we go back to my place and everyone is talking when my ghost sense goes off. "Uh oh, Daddy..." DJ say and I change before lookong at Dan. "Stay here, and watch them. I float into the air and faze through the ceiling. I have to pause when I see the ghost in front of me. One arm is skeletal with fire wrappping around the bone, vine growing from his head like dreads and tipped with shards of sharp ice as well at his teeth being sharp icey fangs. The rest of his body is like moving earth.

"Hey, Avatar, take your bending somewhere else." He turns to look at me and chuckles. "So your the halfa with a hero complex. I must say i pictured you...differently. Alas I'm not one for petty talks and your stupid comments." Then he lifts the flaming arm and shoot a blast at me. I quickly dodge and glare at him. Then shoot a couple rays back. "Whats a party without a light show?" I ask and he just roles his eyes and keeps blasting at me.

"I am not like your petty ghost friends, halfa, and you will not defeat me so easily." The vines shoot out and wrap arpund me quickly, the sharp ends cutting into me. I wince and glare at him, opening my mouth but he quickly covers it with a vine. "Can't have you finishing so soon, can we."

Then he take his firey hand and grabs my throat. My eyes widen when it actually burns. I release a muffle scream and he takes the hand away and touches my stpmach with the other hand. "Now, since you like electricity-" I shake and scream as my body is filled with volts of sizzling heat. I slump breathing heavily. "Hey asshole! Let him go!" I look up in a daze and see Dan.

He takes a deep breath and releases the ghostly wail, send us flying and I land on the ground. He flies over and helps me up. "The kids-" "safe in the safe room with Dash and Kwan. He's gone now, so who the hell was that?" I change back and shrug. "I don't even know. But he's stronger than the others we've faught." I limp back with Dan and we get he other's from the safe room. "God Danny!" Dash runs over and grabs me in a hug, making me wince. "Sorry, baby. Are you okay?" I nod. "Sore but I'll live. That ghost is something new. I don't even know if it's a ghost. Just that its made of the elements and out for blood."

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