DP-Chapter 8

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Decided to do an extra update in honor of Rainbow_Anomaly, who has commented multiple times. So, yeah, enjoy the chapter and feel free to vote and comment, since it makes me happy.

Oh and I will still undate a chapter this Tuesday as per schedule. Soooo, bye.


I woke up to a small finger poking my arm. I look over and see Dax and DJ standing there. Dax looks upset, wish tears sliding down his face as DJ tries to comfort him. He looks at me and says "um, Mr. Dash, Dax had a little accident."

Dax immediately starts gesturing wildly. "Whoa whoa, slow down baby. Its okay, I'll wake up Danny and we'll get everything fixed. He'll understand it was an accident and I'm sure you can borrow some clothes from DJ." He sniffs and nods, wiping his face and they go to find him more clothes. I lean over and shake Danny awake.

He takes a deep breath and rubs his eyes. "Dash, its two in the morning, what do you want?" He grumbles and I smirk. "Dax had an accident. He has nightmares from before he came to live with me, I don't really know where anything is in this house so..." he nods and yawns before standing and sliding on a longsleeved shirt. "Alright I'm up, check on the boys while I get the soiled bedclothes." We walk over and see Kellin still asleep and the boys talking to each other in whispers.


I grab the clothes and bedsheets and take them to the laundry room. When I pass through the living room I freeze when I see Kwan laying on top of Dan. "Well I guess you've been busy?" I whisper. He doesnt open his eyes but I see him smile and lift his middle finger.

"Don't wake him." He mumbles and I smile and head to the kitchen to get a glass of water before heading back to bed. "Hey, are they calmed down?" He smiles and nods. "Yeah, we can sleep for a while longer, I have to get up at five, we can send the younest two with Kwan and Kellin can ride with you if thats cool." I nod and look over at him. He gives and goofy grin and I cant help but lean forward and kiss him. I here my phone ding and look at it. "Or we can sleep in because it snowed and they closed the schools." I realize that it is begining to get cold and so I leave the long sleave shirt on. "Okay but I'll have to call in to work, and I may need to use your computer for a while later." He says while yawning and I smile and nod scooting closer to feel warm.

"Dude why are you so-nevermind I forget about the whole ghost powers thing. Come here." He pulls me closer and I relax into the warmth.

The next morning I here multiple rushing feet and they all stop at the door before I here lots of harsh hushed whispers. "But were late-" "if you wake him like this hell be a nightmare." "Not to mention he'll probably take your head off-" "or freeze you, or use that death glare of his all day." Multiple voices and all threats from Dan, Tuck and Jazz.  "Don't they remember you have better hearing?" Dash mumbles into my ear and I bite my lip to keep from laughing. "Actually I used to be a heavy sleeper and the only time I woke up was when my door was slammed. It got worse after the powers and before I could really control it I did happen to zap my friends a couple of times."

He burst into laugher and the door quietly opens. "It the danger zone clear?" Ellie asks and I cant help but laugh too. "I'm awake and not going to zap you so yeah. They canceled school because of snow so we're staying here today." They cheer and rush out with Kwan offering to make food.

Once the door is closed I look up at Dash. "How long do you think it'll take for somthing to go wrong and the adults to need one of us?" He smirks and says "well they do have Jazz." Then he leans down and presses his lips to mine. We fight for dominance and I let him win so he can feel better about himself.

He slips his hand up my shirt and tweaks a nipple before we here a crash and pull back. "Guess thats our cue." I laugh and get up.

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