DP-Chapter 18

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Dash's POV

We've heard nothing from Danny and Dan. Neither are answering the phone. It's been four days now and DJ and Lilly are scared for their dad. They're staying with me since Jazz and his family didn't want to take them out of school. They've come to the conclusion that the weird element thing was working for the guys in white, but they don't know where they're keeping him. I sigh and sit on the couch after finally getting everyone to bed.

Kellin comes in and sits beside me. "Do you think they're alright dad?" I lean back and close my eyes. "I don't really know, Kellin, I hope so."


I scream as I'm shocked again. Every ten seconds that I don't complete the course they designed, I get shocked. So far my best time is 35 seconds. I collapse at the finish line and hear the voice. "Congratulations you completed it in just under twenty seconds. I bet if we let you use your powers you'd make ten."

I can't move so they pick me up and carry me back to the room. I see Dan in the cell across from me not looking much better than I am. They've had to run different test on him because he doesn't really get tired, doesn't eat, is basically dead, and can fight the pain much better than I can. So they are doing drug test. They found out about the blood blossom and use it a lot, since it does hurt him. They even have it in his cage.

"Dan, are alright?" I ask since he's turned away from me. He doesnt answer and I begin to worry. "Dan at least give me a sign your not dead...er" he lifts his hand before dropping it and I bite my lip and curl into the corner. "G'night Dan."

I doze off but wake with a jolt. "Rise and shine, scum. Time for your daily dose of torture." They drag us out and strap us to the tables in the lab. "What shall we do today. I know! We'll inject you with blood blossom mixed with acid and I relly wanna figure out how your eye change color and glow...which means I'll need a blue and a green!" I whimper.

Ever since they found out that my body parts regrow, they began pulling out bits and pieces to study, except my heart and lungs. They pin my eyes open and come over with a scapel and what looks like and ice cream scoop, but rounder. I try to move away but he sinks the scoop into my eye and pops it out, cutting the nerves. "One down one to go. You know we've only tested taking them out when you were in ghost form, hope they grow back the other way too."

Then they force the change and do the same with the other. By this point I'm begging for them to just kill me. I'm so tired of all of this. It feels like they wrapped something around my head and leave me laying there. I hear Dan groan and wonder what they did, since he usually doesn't make noises. The footsteps fade and all you hear is our gasping. "Dad...you okay?" He asks and it takes me a minute to form the words. "They took my eyes Dan...I, my organs grew back but I don't know if..." I gulp and take a breath.

"It's gonna be okay. We're gonna get out of this don't worry." I just keep quiet and lay there for what seems like hours when there's a commotion. "Get these two out of here, and take care of the pests outside." I feel two sets of hands grab me and hear Dan yelling profanities. There's a bang and I'm dropped. I begin to breathe heavily since I can't see whats going on. I flinch when someone touches me, but calm down a hit when I hear Dan's voice. "Dad, it's fine, Ellie and them are here to save us." I'm picked up and carried out before slowly slipping into unconsciousness.

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