Chapter 1: The Start of Something New

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     It was a beautiful day when Yoongi was building the courage to finally confess his fellings to his childhood best friend, Jung Hoseok. Yoongi had everything set up to be perfect. He knew he really wanted Hoseok for a long time and now that they were in there second year of high school he thought it would be time to finally confess so that's what he was going to do.

     When everything was ready ( he had Hoseok's favorite flowers and had a nice scenery under a cherry blossom tree while the sun sets ) Yoongi texted Hoseok.

Yoongi: Hey Hobi
MyHope💜: Hey Yoongi Hyung
Yoongi: I was wondering if you wanted to meet me at the park today???
MyHope💜: Okay. I see no problem with that!
Yoongi: Okay then, see you later around 6?
MyHope💜: 6 sounds great :)
Yoongi: See you later then?
MyHope💜: Yep, see you later.

     Yoongi was ready when his clock hit 6 so he immediately went to his car looking like all nice and perfect for Hoseok. Once he arrived at the park, he hid his flowers behind his back so Hoseok wouldn't see them when he arrived. Yoongi only had to wait for 3 minutes until Hoseok finally arrived. Hoseok came at the perfect time. The sun was setting and it was all just beautiful.

     " Hey Yoo- "

     Yoongi interrupted Hoseok by grabbing onto Hoseok's wrist and pulling him under the cherry blossom tree.

     " What are you doing Yoongi?!? "

     Yoongi looked into his eyes deeply and then told him...
     " Hoseok I need to tell you something that I've been holding ever since middle school. You see Hoseok, I really umm... "

     " You really what Yoongi? "

      ' Does he have the same feelings I have for him? '

     " I... I have feelings for you Hoseok. Ever since 8th grade. " Yoongi said while holding out the flowers.

     " Oh Yoongi-ah, why didn't you tell me before. We're in our 2nd year of high school and now you decide to tell me? " Hoseok said while reaching out for the flowers.

     " I have feelings for you too. " Hoseok chuckled.

     " Y-You do!?! " Yoongi asked suprised.

     " Yes. " Hoseok said with his beautiful heart shaped smile which made Yoongi fall for him more.

     " So were dating!? " Yoongi asked excited
     " Your so cute Min Yoongi. " Hoseok said before kissing Yoongi's cheek.

      But before Hoseok can reach his cheek, Yoongi turned his head around so Hoseok kissed his lips.

     " I love you. "

      " I love you too... "
The end of chapter 1. This is my first ever story. I might not post daily. I hope people actually read my story. Oh well goodbye for now :)


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