Chapter 4 : Jimin

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Yoongi's POV

For what felt like the stop of time, I stayed quiet wondering what Hoseok is going to tell me. It must
be really serious. He never says my full name unless it's serious.

" Yoongi, back then before I moved to Seoul, I lived in Busan. No I wasn't born there but I lived there with my parents because my dad got a job relocation. I lived a great life in Busan. That's where I made my first friend... " Hoseok paused, thinking about it.

" What was his name Hoseok? " I asked feeling curious that this friend of his might be the reason of
his pause.

Hoseok looked at me taking a deep breath before he said, " His name is Jimin, Park Jimin. Me and
Jimin were the worlds greatest pair of friends. We had everything in common except one thing... which were our feelings. "

I could tell Hoseok was going to start crying because of the way his voice was and his eyes were getting watery. I rub Hoseok's back calming him down. Then he continued.

" He invited me to a sleepover where he told how he wanted to be more than friends. I was able to escape him before he could kiss me and ran home, crying into my parents arm. That's when we moved to Seoul and I met you guys. I was so relieved to be out of Busan, out of Jimin's life, well that's what I thought. " I could see tears coming out of his eyes.

" Then today, we saw eachother and he thr... threatened me, beated me up and now I'm here in the nurse's office. " Hoseok was now crying and I hugged him to comfort him.

" Don't worry Hoseok. I will alway protect you from this Jimin guy. I will make sure you will always be safe. " I whispered to him. " Come on, I will take you to my house. Do you want me to callover the gang? Or do you want to just be with me? "

" Call them over. They should know about Jimin. "

                    ~Fast Forward~

Soon all of us, Namjoon, Jin, Taehyung, Jungkook, Hoseok and I were at my house and Hoseok explained to them everything about his life before he met us.

" WHERE THE HECK IS THIS PARK JIMIN GUY SO I CAN BEAT HIS LITTLE SMALL BUTT!!!!! " Jin yelled out loud wanting to make sure he can smack some sense into Jimin. " YEAH WHO IS HE!?! " Taehyung yelled.

The whole evening was all about beating Jimin, well when Jin and Taehyung spoke, but everything went out fine. All I know for sure is that I will do my best to protect Hoseok.


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