Chapter 3: Love Turned Into Hate

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Before I get started with the story I forgot some details to add in my past upload:

• Yoongi and Jin are 16
• Hoseok and Namjoon are 15
• Taehyung, Jimin (Yes, Jimin will be in this chapter) and Jungkook are 14
• The 4 oldest are now in their third year of high school and the three youngest are in their second year because when they were all hanging out with eachother at Hoseok's house they were in summer break.
• Taehyung lives with Jin and Jungkook in a house together because why not, Namjoon lives with his parents, Yoongi lives by himself but his aunt always checks on him and Hoseok lives with his older sister because his parents died.( I just searched up what Hoseok's sister's name is).
• The boys became bestfriends in 7th grade.

I hope that cleared out some stuff for you all so now on with the story :)

Hoseok's POV

The two months of summer vacation went by so fast, but at least I was able to spend them with my friends and Yoongi. Speaking of Yoongi I haven't seen him for a week. I hope he's ok. I was thinking of him for so long I almost forgot that I have school tomorrow. Once I finally stopped distracting myself, I set my alarm and went to sleep.


I threw my alarm across the room.

' Can't that alarm shut up on its own? '

After regreting throwing my alarm across the room, I got out of bed and got my clothes that I bought with Taehyung at the Gucci store ready for when I finish showering.

* Time skip to after the shower bc Idk what to write *

I was finally dried and changed into my clothes that I was going to where for school and headed out to my kitchen to see the usual. My sister setting a plate of waffles on the dinning table. She's sorta like a mother to me so I wouldn't know what to do without her.

" Good morning Hoseokie. How was your sleep? " My sister said with a smile looking at me.

" Good morning Dawon, also it was fine. " I replied sitting down on a chair while she passes me the plate of waffles.

" That's nice to know, oh by the way I'll be at work all day so when I'm about to leave I will leave you some money to order some food, ok Hoseok? "

" Ok Dawon. "

And with that I finished my waffles and walked to school.

When I got to school I saw a lot of students. Some new. Some I already knew, but one student caught my eye. He had pink hair and looked familiar.

' Why does he look so... oh no. Not him. It can't be. No it's just my imagination, right? '

I could feel myself slowly fall into deep panick when he looked at me. That's when I knew I wasn't going to escape him this time. He started walking towards me with a face of hate glued on him. Then he finally reached me.

(Be lucky I'm not making this a cliff hanger)

" You little brat thought you could leave me without me having to plot my revenge you deserve. No one could help you and you better not tell anyone about this. Understood? " He told me thinking I didn't have any friends.

" Why should I litsen to you, Jimin? " I said knowing he was going to hurt.

And I was right. He dragged me to the restroom (I would probaly hate this restroom this school year) and he immediatley started punching the living out of me. The last thing I saw was Jimin kicking me before I blacked out, but something weird happened while I blacked out.


I was in Jimin's house because he had invited me for a sleepover that I shouldn't have gone to.

" Hoseok, do you remember the day we first met? " Jimin said with his 6th grade voice.

" Yes. We met on the playground on the first day of school when we were in first grade. Why do you ask? " I replied.

" Well Hoseok, you know how the kids in the play ground hate and bully you because they thought you were annoying, but guess what, I don't think that stuff about you. I..."

As he talked he moved closer to me and that freaked me out. He was never this close to me. So then I got up but he kept on moving closer to me, to the point that he had me pinned onto a wall.

" Hoseok, I love you and I want to become more than just friends. So what do you say? "

I couldn't think at all at this point, but I knew one thing for sure. I didn't feel the same for Jimin. That was when I noticed he was leaning closer to me. So I pushed him, ran to my bag, grabbed my bag, dashed out the door and never looked back. I couldn't really hear what Jimin yelled but I knew it was something revengeful. When I got home, I cried into my parents arm and told them everything. The next day we moved in with my sister who lived in Seoul with my aunt.

~End of Flashback~

I woke up in the nurse's office and that was when I remember the flash back and what Jimin told me before I blacked out. I was scared now. What would he do to me? I then noticed that no one was in the room so I got up. I looked at the clock that was there to check the time and noticed that school just ended. I also noticed that I had a lot of bruises on me. They were nice and visable. Then I heard the door open. It was a worried Yoongi with tears in his eyes (Finally some Yoonseok). I looked his way and he immediatley hugged me.

Yoongi's POV

I haven't seen Hoseok all day and the rest of the gang hadn't seen him either. Lunch was almost over and I was about to call him when a kid who looked like a freshman came up to me.

" Aren't you Hoseok's boyfriend right? Your name is Min Yoongi? " He asked me.

" Yes I am. Have you seen him? I've been looking for him for. Is he ok? " I started questioning him as if I was a detective looking for clues for a crime.

" Umm, actaully he's in the nurse's office. I found him lying in the restroom. I think someone knocked him out because he had bruises all over his body. " The freshman replied.

When he said that I was about to dash to the nurse's office but then the bell rang and I had to go to my class since it was the first day of school, but once the bell rang for the last time which ment it was time to go home I Sonic ran to the nurse's office. While I ran bad thoughts came into my mind like what if he's dead, what if he doesn't remember me or what if he's still out cold. Tears streamed down my cheeks like waterfalls.

I reached the nurse's office and opened the door. There he was. A beautiful angel with bruises all over his skin was looking at me.

" HOSEOK WHAT F***ING HAPPENED TO YOU?!? WHICH B**** AT THIS SCHOOL DID THIS TO YOU?!? TELL ME EVERYTHING! " I said between my tears while hugging him as if we would disappear any moment.

" I... uhh I... " He stuttered with a face of worry that I notice.

It was like he was keeping something from me so...

" Hoseok... are you keeping something from me? " I asked backing away from the hug and looking into his eyes that held sadness.

While I looked into his eyes waiting for a anwser he broke down in tears nodding.

" YES YOONGI, BUT I CAN'T TELL YOU OR ELSE! " He sobbed on his knees

When I heard what he said I immediatley hugged him and whispered to him...

" Hoseok, please... tell me what your hiding and I will help you out of it. Even if you don't tell me I will always, and I mean always will be by your side. "

I kissed him then hugged and rubbed his back trying to calm him down and it worked.

He took a few deep breathes before he said...

" Ok, I will tell you... Min Yoongi. "


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