Chapter 9: Together Again (Last Chapter)

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Hoseok POV

We were all skating, enjoying our time, when Namjoon brought a random guy to us. All of my friends seemed happy to see him.

'Should I be happy to see him?'

I stood there, staring at him.

Something wanted to click in my brain, but it just couldn't. I had this feeling in me, like I wanted to hug him. I looked to the right, and I saw a guy, standing by himself. He had a face of confusion and curiousotiy. I was still looking at him when Jin said,

"Hey Hoseok, aren't you going to hug your boyfr- OH FUCK! I DIDN'T SAY ANYTHI-"

"BOYFRIEND?" The guy that was watching from a distance cut off Jin.

I was going to look at Jin, but then, I made eye contact with the guy Namjoon had brought over. We both stared at eachother for a long time. My heart had this weird feeling. As if it was fluttering.

But why?

He started taking slow steps towards me. I started feeling something. My heart skipped a beat when he...

Yoongi POV

I was slowly walking towards Hoseok. I don't what had taken over me. I hadn't seen him in so fucking long.

Once I was in front of him, I gave him my gummy smile and hugged him. "Hoseok."

For as long as I hugged him, I wanted everything to go back to how it used to be. I wanted Hoseok to always be in my arms. I wanted to spend time with the gang. I wanted to always have them by my side.

I snuggled closer to Hoseok. My head was buried into his neck, and after a while, he wrapped his arms around me.

Hoseok POV

I remember who he is.

The man hugging me is none other than my boyfriend, Min Yoongi.

He is the one I love.

He is the one I want to spend the rest of my life with.

I wrapped my arms around his waist.

Yoongi POV

"I lov-"

"YOONGI, WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!?" I immediately let go of Hoseok and looked at Kihyun.

He did not look happy. "I ummm... Let me expla-"

"You know what Yoongi! I'm just going to go! I hope you well in your future, cheater!" With that Kihyun stormed away as my heart crumbled.

Everyone watched Kihyun leave. I just stood there, tears finally appearing on my face after so long.

"So Yoongi, do you want to come with us home?"

"You can drop me off at my place."


Me and Hoseok had sorted things out in the car and we were now, I guess you could say, back together.

I had explained to everyone that I had roomates in the long car ride, so now they wanted to meet them. As I get to the door, I prayed to god that what would most likely be happening if I opened the door, wouldn't happen. But, unfortunately for me, I opened the door to be presented by...


"Umm, guys, we have company," Jackson said as he saw me with the gang.

Jae and Chan looked at me and then at the gang. Then, they looked at eachother with a confused face.

"Hey Yoongay, you mind telling us who these guys are?" Jackson asked with his hand signalling to the gang.

"Well, these two are Kim Namjoon and Kim Seokjin," I say as I pulled the two forward.

"These small ones are, Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook," I motioned for the young ones to come forward.

"And, this is... my forever boyfriend, Jung Hoseok," Jackson, Chan, and Jae were all shocked.

"What happened with Kihyun? Did he do something to you, because I will beat his ass!" Jackson stood up while pulling up his sleeves.

It was going to be a long night.

A Few Months Later

I was happy.

Everything was just amazing now.

Jackson had grew a bipolar friendship with Namjoon,

Jin and Chan had worked out a few recipes.

Jae taught the young ones about growing up.

And me and Hoseok, that's another story. I'm just glad that we're Together Again.

The End

Edit: This book is trash.

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