Alternative Epilogue

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Yoongi POV

"You know what Yoongi! I'm just going to go! I hope you well in your future, cheater!" With that Kihyun stormed away as my heart crumbled.

Everyone watched Kihyun storm off.

But I couldn't.

As much as I loved Hoseok, I love Kihyun now, and I couldn't let him go.

I ran after him.

"Yo Yoongi! Where are you going?!" Namjoon called out.

I didn't even look back.


4 Year Later

The music was being played by the orchestra that had been hired. He walked in front of me, getting closer, and closer. I was so happy to finally be able to tie the knot with him.

His beautiful smile, his fluffy brown hair, and just the way he talked made me want to be with him and spend the rest of my life with him.

Memories of Hoseok played through my head.

I hope he's able to make it.

Kihyun was soon right next to me.

Everything went by so fast. From when he had arrived, and now to our "I do's".

Although it was a small peck, it was so much more to our relationship. From friends, to best friends, to lovers, to fiancés, and now husbands.

As I scanned through the crowd, I saw him.

He smiled at me when we made eye contact. Next to him, was the gang. They all seemed happy.

I looked back at Kihyun.

"So, how's your day?"

He laughs.

"It's been good, and you?"

"I've never felt better..."

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