part 21

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[texting/real life]

Zach<3-heyy baby boy!

Alex :)- oh my goodness. please tell me i'm not dreaming.


Alex :)- you're cute lol

Zach<3- do you wanna come over? ik we're not 14 but do you want to sleep over?😂

Alex :)- umm, obviously i wanna sleep over!

Zach<3- good cause i wanna make out with your pretty pink lips again.😏

[time skip, like 30 minutes]

the doorbell rang and zach raced to the door.

"ALEX! MY BABY!" zach screamed.

"shhh, wont your parents hear you?"

"they aren't here right now. that's why i invited you over." zach smirked.

alex's face turned a brilliant shade of red, and he looked down so zach couldn't see his face.

but of course, zach took alex's small face in his large hands.

"don't hide your face," zach cooed, "i want to see how beautiful you are, babe."

zach then started kissing him, passionately. soon they were moving over to the couch in zach's living room. things quickly started to get heated, until zach stopped it.

"sweetheart, you know i love you, but not tonight. we're supposed to be hanging out. not fucking!" zach said with a giggle.

"okay okay fine. what do you want to do?"

without another second passing, zach rusher over to a stack of cards sitting on the edge of the table.

"uno?" alex questioned with a laugh.

"hells yeah!" alex was going to say something, until he saw how zach's eyes became brighter, showing his excitement. however bad alex didn't really want to play, he put up with it to make zach happy. he would do anything to make sure that gorgeous smile never left zach's face.

after almost 7 hours of playing uno, kissing, and watching movies, they both decided it was time they actually slept. of course, zach wanted alex to sleep in the bed with him, so he purposely made sure there was no where else for alex to sleep.

"is there a couch or something i could sleep on?"

"my parents will be home later tonight, so no. just sleep up here with me baby."

alex blushes furiously and hesitantly climbed into the bed with zach.

"oh come on baby. i don't bite. but i will kiss you"

zach grabbed alex's waist and pulled him closer to his body.

alex winced, causing zach's eyebrows to furrow in confusion. he rolled up his shirt, to find multiple scars, and some fresh cuts on alex's stomach and hips.


alex was shocked at zach's equanimity.

"i-i didn't have anyone." alex started to cry.

"shh don't speak, it's okay. i'm here now. you're okay. you're safe. just try to sleep, okay?"


alex smiled at how zach didn't make him talk about it. zach understood alex. that made alex happier than any pet name, or kiss ever could.


"goodnight baby."

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