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Author's note:

Hey guys! I have a couple things I have to say and a couple things from Haleigh also. So here it goes.

1.) Sorry for not updating as much. Haleigh and I were and still are on tight schedules cause she's busy and I have a bunch of sports practices.

2.) There will be a couple of chapters up in probably the next 2-3 days when Haleigh and I finish up writing and editing.

3.) I'm letting everyone know now that when school starts for us, It's going to be hard for us to update because we're both going to different high school, it's going to be hard cause we're freshman, we're going to be having a lot of school work and sports practices. But through all of that we're still going to keep on with the story!

Sorry for not updating though!😔

Love y'all💕 -Haleigh and Sofia


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