Her mind. Her thoughts. Her emotions.
Closed. Broken. Happy. Confused.
Bitter. Cold.
Part of her is unknown and dark. Part of her feels...but, she doesn't want to admit it. Trying to forget it.
Teriah-lee Michelle Jackson Wright falling in-love...
A confusion slowly but vividly began to hover me; like some sort of rain loaded, polluted cloud. I didn't know where to look, instead I just closed my eyes and let the darkness surround me. I felt somewhat unmotivated. I didn't want to move, breathe, think.
15 minutes after drowning myself in the darkness of my closed eyes, I got up. Slowly, one leg at a time, sitting up, my hands rested on my bare thighs. I could hear my grandma downstairs, whose voice was well over a 'normal' volume, shouting at who could only be the man who didn't want to take his pills. Grandpa. I had just moved out here with them. I was living with my other grandparents back in Compton. My dad's parents. I moved to Korea only to be going to high school here, held back a year. Fortunately, it was a school for English based speakers. My grandma was Korean and my grandpa was Mexican. I knew a bit of both languages; however, I only spoke English back home. Wherever home is. I didn't know because it never felt like home wherever I was at. I heard that it was a prestigious school. I didn't really bother to research. I don't necessarily care. If I'm to be frank, I'm more bothered on the idea of people trying to communicate with me. Why? Well, because, I have no intention of giving people's ego's the pleasure of getting to know me. Hi, this is MY alter ego speaking now; you will already know about me. Because, I'm a ticking time bomb: short fused and messed up in the deep depths of my fucked up mind. A very confusing façade that plays on my character: being gentle but bitter and honestly... lethal. People will want to know more and I will never let anyone... anyone-
"Teriah!" My grandpa roared. I shook my head trying to ignore my alter ego. My disturbing thoughts. I stood up and went to the bathroom and washed my face. Briefly staring into the small unrelying mirror that was only judging me in return. The reflection mentally stripping me. I sighed and looked away before it stripped me bare, and left my dangerous thoughts wandering, vigorously. With a hesitant pause towards the door, I swung it open and went to the closest.
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Shortly after, I tied my short black hair back with some of it falling down, it being too short for it all to stay in the small ponytail. I let pieces of my short fringe hang on either side and put in two small hoop earrings. Wearing only minimalistic makeup, (mascara, lip gloss), I brushed my black eyebrows neatly and into their perfectly, plucked shape. My small studded nose piercing sat on the left side of my nose and, I debated whether or not it would be an issue for the school. The thought bypassed me in a matter of seconds and I no longer cared. I proceeded to put my tongue piercing in. A smaller one. One that wasn't as obvious but still made my tongue look exciting. At least to me. I don't know why it mattered. It made me feel good.
I went downstairs after grabbing my phone and backpack. Placing them down on the floor without much thought to it. My grandparents looked at me and questioned my outfit with just their micro-expressions, that I observed ever so slightly and found some kind of amusement in. I grinned only slightly and grabbed a peach and bit into it. I smugly twirled for them; the one that was still looking at me with her mind filled with judgement. The devil standing on my shoulder alongside my alter ego being proud of my actions which I was fully aware would bother them, well. Her.