flowing p1

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Dictating whether I should allow my curiosity for this guy to manifest or to wither, amused me in grand ways. It's interesting to me because, I have never thought about a person to the extent I am now: allowing him to feed my curiosity. 

I want to know more. Hear more. 

A girl who sat near me slowly woke up. The class was yet to finish and she opened her eyes and sighed at the sight of how long was left. The longest sigh I had heard so far and a chuckle slipped past my lips. 

"What's so funny?" 

"Just leave if you have no interest."

"I wish. Could have woken me up, I need to get good grades."

"Sleeping is exactly the answer to good grades." I said sarcastically.

"Ha. Ha. As much as I adore sleeping, my parents don't. They'll kill me if my grades drop even more. Plus, you still could have woken me up."

"Well one, I didn't care and two, I had no intention of waking you up." 

She looked in a state of disorder. "Why?"

"Because, you could either hate this class; you could either be making a choice at not sleeping during the night; or you could have something preventing you from sleeping: be it emotional, physical or mentally." I said softly. 

She smiled. She slowly went to her bag and took out her book and some posted-notes. She ripped one off without hesitation and reached over for the pen in my hand. She nodded as if to thank me even if I hadn't gave the pen to her willingly. She wrote a number down and a name. She looked at me and stuck it on my book and put my pen next to my hand. Dessimay, the name stared back at me. 

"We will get along."

"I don't plan on having friendships."


"I have one rule if we're to be in each-other's presence from now on..."


"Don't expect anything from me and I won't expect anything from you."


The class continued and Taehyung walked his way over to the table and pulled a chair up. He just sat there unfazed and I had no intention of questioning. 

He smelt good. 

I enjoyed the quiet, but, shortly after Dessimay looked to him and started questioning him and he responded with blunt answers. After bickering, they started to discuss the work set by Mr Locken and I had no choice but to sit and listen to their discussion. I didn't have anything to say. I wanted to leave. Being in the presence of these two people started to annoy me slightly, either because I was hungry or just because I'm use to being alone. I was accepting of my lonely presence. But, being use to it shouldn't be a negative thing: it was my choice and no one forced me into this. I had a distaste in being in the company of others. 

I got up and picked my bags up. I made eye contact with Mr Locken and he knew my next move, to leave. However, he didn't say anything to stop me. He just looked back down and carried on with whatever it was he was doing. It's like he knew not to question me. I was already difficult. Though, if he had decided on lecturing me, I wouldn't have responded; I wouldn't have given him the satisfaction of hearing me trying to explain myself and I had a feeling that he was well aware of that.

Fuck everyone. Fuck you too Teriah. You'll never be shit. You'll never be understood. I will always be the only person who talks to you. A voice. Your voice.

I scratched my head as if to ignore my mind: my deepest thoughts; my own voice. I was distracted until I heard footsteps beside me that eventually caught up with me and this person slowly walked alongside me. I didn't look. I didn't need to. I knew who it was just by the strong smell that radiated off his body and clothes. It was him; it was Taehyung.

"I don't care for your bitterness or even an explanation as to why you left. Just walking." He said in a deep, husky tone.

"I had no thought in asking or even communicating."

He chuffed. "But you were wary of me from the moment you heard me."

"I was only aware it was you after I smelt your signature scent."

"Couldn't you just say cologne?" 

I looked at him. "Is it that much of an issue for you?"

He rolled his eyes and stopped in front of me which in my case, hindered me from walking. However, I could walk around him, I had that option that I didn't bother with. Curious to hear what he was yet to say; how he would argue that it wasn't an issue...blah blah blah. 

"Yes, very much so." 

My cheeks raised and a smile formed. "Your cologne is strong. I could smell it and knew it was you." 

He returned the smile. "You won't forget me princess." The atmosphere was instantly lighter.

"I don't want to hurt your ego but-."

He licked his lips and bent his back and leaned in to cover the obvious height difference and also to emphasize his words. "My ego will find what you're about to argue, very attractive and thrilling. Don't tempt him." 

Now the atmosphere was heavy...and confusing. 

How did it change so quick?

"You refer to your alter ego as the third person?"

"He's another side to me. You have one don't you?"

"Don't we all?"

"Very tempting." He smirked, his response completely evading my question even if he was aware of it.

"Very annoying." I raised my eyebrows and slowly walked past him. "Tempting to you or him?" I grinned as he caught up to me.

He bit his lip. "Do you want to find out?" 

I rolled my eyes and kept walking. Ignoring his very tempting offer. Why was this so amusing?

"There's a place in this school that only I know of. It's whimsical." He said and I snapped out of my thoughts.

"Couldn't you just say magical?" 

"Trust, you would like it." 

"You don't even know my name."

"Do you want me to know it?"

"Do you want to know it?"

He chuckled. "You could have just said 'no'." 

He walked and presumably I joined and didn't care where to. 

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