unveiling p2

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It was a little after 11:30am in the morning and break was already over. I was already in my second class of the day. The idea of still being here was annoying me slightly: the predictable teachers and students.

The food in the canteen wasn't as good as I expected, of course I'm just being selfish; humans are notoriously known for always having high standards, no matter how selfless you are or claim to be. My pathetic expectations were getting to my head.

No sufficient amount of lectures were going to suffice in making me aware of what was going on in the class and to actually pay attention. Plus, trigonometry isn't necessarily my strong suit. I can honestly say that, this school has a thing for pissing people off; they're consistent with it which, is more than I can say for my obvious lack of effort so far. I haven't even been in this godforsaken building for that long and I already feel disenchanted and disillusioned. Thus, my actions have been extreme or so they would say; the people that control what we digest as 'normal' and 'abnormal.' Society.

Assholes. They make me out to be this deranged person. I will kill them.
It's not worth it Teriah. They're not worth it. I'm not worth it...

There was 10 minutes left of this class. 10 was slowly turning into 20, 30, 45. Dragged on for what felt like an eternity. It felt like quarter of my life was spent in here. I didn't intend to fall asleep but it's exactly what I did in the last 10 minutes. 

I did mean it. It was well needed. 

Swiftly, I made my way to the class I was looking forward to and I was there and sat down waiting. However, I knew that I was set up for conflicts. My path in this school was set in stone; although, I'm not deliberately trying to accuse anyone, my first impression has already set people's perspectives in place. It's humorous: as it goes, 'first impressions go a long way.' I understand that I acted upon my own impulse and it was me saying those things yet, in spite of that, it was also my mental and emotional reflexes. We feel a need to defend ourselves from being judged but, isn't judgement all that awaits even after you try to avoid it, we all do. For instance, I remember meeting relatives from my dads side of the family; brothers, sisters. For the sake of my well-being, it's like my sub-conscious was in defense mode. Think about it, you act bitter and sarcastic upon your first encounter with this person and they then have that to take away with them, thinking that you're this arrogant person with no morals and manners. In contrast, there's more to it, your intentions weren't to be evil, it was a form of mental defense: the idea of granting a person with your trust that could easily be betrayed after being cheated your whole life, is terrifying. It can significantly change a person's approach to life and to people, especially new people. So when that other person, who you've just acquainted yourself with has taken away that first prominent encounter that you've just shared together, they close their minds to you and the thoughts they have towards you are taken to the grave with them.
I think, that people just look at the surface. The mind sees what it wants. You see what you want. However, if only had you dived into this obscure ocean, that one time, you would have discovered that people's actions and words are made up of a lifetime of experiences. People just don't stop to think or listen. But, a philosophy that I stand by is, 'The most dangerous person is the one who listens, thinks and observes.' - Bruce Lee.

'Humanity is so old but it's never changed. Our way of thinking that is.' - NN

"Teriah," this gentlemen with a stern look made his way. He smiled and kneeled down before my desk, before he continued. "Do you feel well? You're zoning out." 

"I'm good."

He nods. "Alright kiddo. Well it's nice to meet you. I'm Mr Locken."

He stuck his hand out to shake and hesitantly, I shook it. It only lasted for a second. He had short, brown hair that was slicked back with gel. He was respectfully dressed; 5'8 and had green eyes. It's like I recognized this man, as if I had met him in another life. His features and voice I know.

"So, I'm not going to ask you to introduce yourself to the class because it always results in new students in being awkward. So I'll ask you this instead, what's your opinion on Psychology as a subject?"

"It's interesting."

"How? Or why even?"

"Well, it's the science that I think explains human behavior distinctively and with logic. Even if it's theories, it makes sense, sometimes. Also, it's not just human behavior that Psychology explores: Psychology branches into a wide variety of topics. Psychology looks into things that people are so afraid of admitting or believing because its logical. Most sciences are."


"Was there a right or wrong answer to that?" 

His eyebrows raised as he stood at the front of the class. "You tell me."

"You're only asking me that because you were caught off guard slightly, you know, when I asked you the question."

"Why's that kid?"

"Because you cocked your eyebrows and your eye twitched." 

"You're in the right class." He nodded at my response.

"I was just messing with you. In response to one of your questions; maybe there is a right or wrong answer. Why? Think about it, we all have opinions, some subconsciously are biased. So, when you say 'good,' it might be that 15% of your intended answer is your professional opinion, but that 85% is based on your level of preference and whether my answer was adequate enough for you, as well as, you understanding it. You know... if you did that is." I grinned.

He smiles in approval. "Interesting."

"See how this was a cycle?"

"How?" he asked filled with curiosity, his face said it all. 

"You first asked me my opinion and I with a vague response said that, it was 'interesting.' Now, you find my opinion, 'interesting'." I open my books. "You can start the lesson now." 

A student standing at the door is clapping slowly.

"What a show? And you sweetheart," he sat near me, this man with a blonde mullet, "90% of you wanted to gloat and prove you're not this sadistic person; however, that 10% of you, the 10% that is more powerful than the statistic itself... is because you believed every word you said and are way more intellectual and insightful then you care to admit."

"Taehyung sit your ass down and stop sitting on a high-horse. She cooperated which is more than I can say for all of you losers." Mr locken said and the class laughed. 

"Yes sir." He looked at me and whispered in my ear. "You're not the only one thinking, listening and observing. Also, he's a dope teacher so don't worry." Taehyung looked at me, he examined my features and bit his lip. I was watching him.

"Worry about what?" I asked with no visible reaction to his words.

He smirked. "About putting on your façade princess."

He got up and went to sit at his rightful place and Mr Locken continued his class. 

Taehyung. Kim Taehyung. This man has me more intrigued, and even more, he knows what he's doing. His confidence that oozes effortlessly gives him away. 
He unveiled me. I respected him. Only in his opinion. Not in his aurora. It was as if he was an entity that was ready to conquer my mind. But, I won't condone it.

He's reading the wrong person.

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