Chapter Seven

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Tom woke on the cold, solid ground. Everything ached in pain, and he felt like death. Honestly, at the moment, he craved death. However, he didn't know why.

Until his mind was flooded with memories of what happened earlier. He had allowed the monster to take over. He had allowed the monster to hurt Tord. He let it to nearly kill him. Thank everything mortal that Edd was there to save him. But, then again, now Edd knew he was alive. Sadly.

As thoughts swarmed his head, Tom slowly stood. He looked down at himself, bitterly. His hand was covered in blood. Tord's blood. And he began to cry. Let out every emotion he held back, to fall in silver tears. His vision went blurry as the tears streamed down his face, until he couldn't tell his surroundings anymore.

What he hell had he become? A horrible monster? A nightmare? Someone who didn't deserve anything he got? Maybe. Maybe he had lost himself. Just...Maybe...

"You're awake," Ringo growled softly from the corner of the room. Tom didn't turn to her, but, continued crying, silently, choking on his tears.

"Theres no one else here. You know, you can be as loud as you want," she stood and stretched, before walking towards him. Heeding her words, Tom stopped being so quiet. He let himself cry out, in agony and pain, as thoughts continued to swarm his head.

Every one knows that you're a horrid monster. They all know who you are.

Good luck getting your way out of this one.

You can't do anything right, can you. You attacked one of the only people you care about. He hates you. Ever since you messed up his arm, he's hated you.

Tom dropped to his knees as he sobbed. Ringo kept her distance, not out of fear, despite what he told himself, but because, she knew he deserved some space right now. He sat there and cried, for as long as he could. Even when the tears would no longer come, Tom cried out. Crying for help. Crying for forgiveness.

Ringo eventually came over to the crying God and sat next to him, pressing herself against his freezing body. She never realized how cold he was. However, she stayed by him, until he had finally calmed down. Even then, he was still confused, and in need of help.

"How...How long have I been down here..."

"Not long. A few days. You've been trapped in your monster form..." he looked at the small dragon, in horror. A few days? She nodded, "Yep. A few days. You never left the cave though, and no one came in....but they've all been talking about you. Don't worry. They weren't bad things. least most of the time..."

He glanced down at her, "What do you mean by that?"


"That's not Tom, guys. Tom wouldn't do that. He just...wouldn't..." Tord spoke, explaining the situation to his friends.

"You saw it. You saw what he's capable of. Of course, that may not be Tom, but that doesn't mean it still is." Edd spoke, softly. Tord was pacing the room, much to Matt's confusion. No one had explained it to him, yet.

"What's going on?" he asked.

"Tord accidentally found Tom yesterday, and he went into his monster form. Then, he ran off," Edd explained. Matt looked like he was thinking, when he came up with an idea.

"What if we go after him?"

"We don't know if he's human again or not. He may still be a monster," he shrugged, sadly.

"Tom's not a monster!" Tord snapped. Matt and Edd turned to him, confused. He continued, "Yes, we have our arguments, and we fight sometimes, but he's not a monster! He's actually a wonderful person, okay?" Edd and Matt stopped to look at him. Of course, they both knew he was not a monster. He wasn't that cruel to anyone. And, like Tord said, Tom really was a wonderful person.

"We know that," Edd spoke with the same softness as earlier, "But you have remember, that this isn't Tom."

"You're right. This isn't our Tom. This isn't my Tom," Tord started, "So, we have to get him back."

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