Chapter Nine

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"How come I didn't know you existed?" Ringo asked, as she and Susan wandered through the caves.

"I hid away. Made sure not to bother anyone," she spoke.

"Wait," Ringo paused, "You mentioned him not being able to control shadows anymore. What does that mean?"

"Tom used all of his powers on me and you."

"But you originally said just you..?" Susan was confusing.

"Well, technically, it was just me. But, years and years later, he had gained something back. So, he managed to find and get you." Ringo was still confused, but she knew Susan was trying. So, she didn't push. She'd confront Tom later.

"Oh, wait. I forgot to say, but, don't tell Tom about me." Well, there goes that plan.

"Why not? Wouldn't he be happy to see you?" Susan nodded.

"Oh, he would! But he's not ready. I just don't want him to be overwhelmed, okay?" Well, that makes sense enough. So, Ringo reluctantly agreed with her. She wouldn't tell Tom. Yet another promise...


When Matt and Edd unfused, they had half a plan. However, there were still multiple complications. How were they going to find him? They couldn't use sight, or hearing, or anything else. They just...had to find him.

"Well, I mean, we can't see in the dark, like he can..." Edd spoke, as the three tried to think something up. They all sat on the beach, watching the waves, and forming a plan.

"And a lot of systems in those caves are way to small for us to fit through. But he can go through them perfectly," Tord added.

"Man, this is not fair for us..." Matt shook his head.

"Wait, what if we got a man in the inside? To tell us how he's fairing?" Edd shrugged.

"What about Ringo?" Edd nodded, and smiled.

"Then, Ringo!" He exclaimed to them.

Tord, however, shook his head, "Yes, I'm worried about him. And I want to get him back, but I don't know if thats a good idea. You know how Ringo takes sides. She might have already promised Tom her silence." Matt and Edd looked at him, then pondered the problem. They both looked at each other with a worried expression.

"Well, all we can do is hope for the best, right?" Edd spoke, and the other two nodded. They all knew that they needed to do something however.

"We need to make him feel loved," Tord said, refusing to look at them.

"That's true. We do. That's what started this, right?" Matt said. The other two nodded.

Everyone was all of sudden enveloped in a comfortable silence. They all rummaged through their brains, searching for the memories they had with Tom. There were some that were happy, and others, not so much. What made him feel loved in those times?


"So...What's your favourite thing to do..?" Tord asked him, awkwardly. Edd had wanted the two to meet each other, and get along, but neither knew what to walk about.

Tom looked up at him, and practically beamed. He spoke, "Music mainly. When I was younger, I would sing all the time. I kind of gave up on that now, but...whatever." He spoke rather happily, and fast, but Tord still understood to some extent. He liked music.



"Hey, Tom! This is Matt, and this is Tord! They're really close friends of mine, and I hope you all learn to be really good friends too!" Edd said, hoping for the best. Tom looked at them and smiled.

"Its nice to meet you!"


"Hey!" Matt flew down to Tom.

"Hey, Matt." He looked up at him and smiled.

"Look what I can do!" The wind started picking up and gradually got stronger and stronger. It swirled around them in patterns as it howled like a pack of wolves. Eventually, the sound died down to make some sort of whistling sound. The sound would go up and down, in a pattern.

He was making music.

Tom listened in awe as the other God made melodious sounds with his wind. It got stronger and stronger, and louder and louder.

Until it knocked Tom over.

Stopping, Matt rushed to him, "Are you alright!?" But Tom was laughing.


Those were fun times, and the three of them needed to get them back. Tom needed to come back. They missed him. Edd missed him. Matt missed him.

And Tord missed him.

[Sorry its over a day late!! Things came up, it got deleted, school, the likes.
But here! I hate it!]

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