Leebury - Papers

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   Samuel woke up next to Charles. He whimpered and huddled up against his boyfriend's back.

   He couldn't lay here any longer. Slowly and carefully as to not wake up Charles, he got out of bed and walked out into the hallway. Samuel stopped in front of a mirror that Charles had hanging on the wall.

   Samuel looked like a mess. He was wearing a tank top and sport-shorts, as he liked to call them, and his freckled arms and legs were exposed to the autumn air coming through the half-opened windows. He had dark bags under his eyes, and the bruise from when Jefferson punched him was clearly visible on his shoulder.

   Ugh. Samuel sighed. He went downstairs, and a few papers blew across the floor. Paper? Charles must have left the window in his study open, too. I should go close it.

   He walked across the living room, where more papers were laying on the ground. He followed them like a path into the study, and gasped rather loudly when he saw the condition of the room.

   Papers, everywhere. Stacks on the ground, piles on the table, and random sheets in the corners. Last night, Charles said he would come to bed soon. He said he had some work to do, but it wouldn't take long. That's what he told me.

   What was Charles doing last night?!

   A particular sheet swept across the room and stopped at Samuel's feet. He picked it up and read it.


Local scientists investigated a strange crashed vehicle that strongly resembles the classic UFO. Inside the men and women found slimey substances, unusual language engraved in the metal walls, and a command center with an unreal amount of buttons, panels and levers. The UFO has been brought to their lab for further inspection.

   It didn't look like Charles wrote this article. Samuel searched that page and, sure enough, saw that the author of this paper was a man named Philip Schuyler.

   He looked through several other papers that were scattered across the floor. All of them were printed articles from newspaper or online sources that were filled with information about the same exact thing. Samuel was on his knees reading another article about the results from the scientist's lab when he heard footsteps from somewhere in the house. Are the aliens here?!

   Terrified, Samuel started whimpering. His body was shaking and he was holding an article tightly in his hand. Turning around, Samuel ran for the door when he rammed into someone. They wrapped their arms around him. At once Samuel recognized the muscular form of this being. It's scent was familiar and soothing.

   It wasn't an alien. It was just Charles.

   "Shh...Samuel? What are you doing?" Charles didn't sound mad at him. He just tried to comfort his boyfriend, and he sounded, maybe, just a little bit confused.

   "I..I came in here to close the window. I n-noticed papers flying everywhere, so I figured you left the study window opened. I came in here and saw all the papers and I started reading them and...and --"

   "Samuel, hush. Don't be scared. It's --"

   "No!" Samuel tore away from Charles's embrace. "Why do you have all these printed papers lying about? What are you up to, Charles?"

   "I just...I was curious. I'd heard about this incident, and so I did a little reading. I am an author after all, Samuel. I was interested. You know I like to write about the supernatural, about things that cause people to stir. I ended up doing a little...too much research." Charles rubbed the back of his head, his face turning red, and Samuel couldn't help but giggle. "Little seems like an understatement, no?"

   "Oh, well, perhaps." Charles laughed in return, and Samuel threw his arms around his boyfriend.

   "Do you forgive me for being kind of a creep, Samuel?"

   "I forgive you." Samuel placed a kiss on Charles's cheek. "Now, come on, let's get all these papers sorted into some folders."

Woah 658 words that was a long one
Modern supernatural AU

Not too much Leebury in this but eh I enjoyed writing this one.

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