Chapter 3: Craig Comes A-Calling

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Chapter 3: Craig Comes Around

The next thing I remember is waking up in a hospital bed. Monika was next to me, laying on my chest, listening to my heartbeat, most likely making sure nothing was wrong. A police officer and doctor were behind her. At the foot of my bed was Nathan and Natsuki. Buddy was to my left, setting down a bouquet of flowers. When she noticed I was conscious, Monika let out a huge sigh of relief.

"Well, this is love in my reality, Monika," I groaned, making a joke. She sniffled, but giggled, knowing my reference. I started to sit up. The doctor immediately eased me back onto the pillow.

"Easy, son," he told me. "You were in pretty bad shape after the events you were a part of last evening. You slept right through the night, which would normally be good if it wasn't because you were unconscious." He handed me a mirror. "It's miraculous you came out with such mild injuries." I looked at my face. It wasn't a pretty sight. All the blood had been washed off, but a bandage covered my nose. One of my eyes was blackened, and my left cheek was bruised and swollen. Still, I had to admit, it could've been worse. Monika leaned forward and stroked my hair. I could tell she'd been crying.

"You had me worried sick, Abe-y," she sniffled. "You just tilted and fell on your back. Your breathing was so soft I actually thought you were dying. Thank God you're alive!" Then the police officer came over. He looked grim.

"Quite a showdown you had last night. It was no small task, cleaning up all the pieces of that robot's head. I'd almost be worried about your sanity if it had been a human you did that to." He pulled out a notebook. "Now, can you tell me what exactly happened last night?" I nodded. I told him the whole story, about seeing Craig and Sayori outside the library, then the A.B.E. leaving me a threatening note, and our big fight. The police officer nodded. "I see. Well, we'll have someone posted outside in case of trouble tonight. But Craig and Sayori being there seems to only be a coincidence. The way you describe it, it sounds as though the robot showed up exactly after they left. They couldn't have had time to call it in, and besides, they're closely monitored by our finest men at all times. This robot must've been sent by someone else." That only made me more scared. Whoever built Buddy was still out there, and he wanted him back. But who was it? And what were they planning?


On the way out of the hospital, I turned to Nate, who was wheeling his wheelchair behind us.

"Hey, when did you get here?" I asked him.

"We got here early this morning," he told me. "Monika called us from the hospital late last night, explaining all that had happened. Buddy drove us here as quick as he could."

"We would've gotten here sooner, if it hadn't been for the fact Nathan's license plate had expired," Buddy mumbled. Natsuki gasped, then turned to Nathan.

"You told me we were pulled over because Buddy was speeding!" she huffed. She slapped Nathan. "Don't use him as a scape goat!" I smiled. It was nice to see some things never changed. Natsuki was always harping and slapping her boyfriend around, and for a good reason, too. I bet if she didn't keep Nathan on the straight and narrow, he'd be causing all sorts of mischief, despite his handicap. Monika smiled too.

"Well, on the bright side, Abe's awake!" She hugged me tight, then planted a kiss on my chin. "Now, let's go home. I called a taxi cab for the two of us."

"And I'll drive Nathan and Natsuki home," Buddy stated. "I'll catch up to you." We went our separate ways. As we headed away, I heard Natsuki pipe up.

"Buddy, can you take us to get our license renewed first?"

We arrived back at my house. The cops said they would send someone to patrol the cul-de-sac that evening, but for the time being, I felt like we were safe. I had a handgun stashed under my bed, and I decided that if we thought someone was in the house, we'd just get it out. Monika and I walked up to the front steps. I gently opened the door to find Craig waiting for us, clad in his orange jumpsuit.

"Abe, I need your help," he said. But I wasn't listening to him at the moment. I rushed up the stairs, and tackled him to the ground. He held out his hands. "Wait! I'm not here to fight you!" he groaned.

"You've got some explaining to do," I growled. "Also, how did you get in here?!" Monika shrunk.

"Uh, Abe, I might've forgotten to lock the door."

"Oh. Well, that's okay, Monika. But seriously, Craig! What do you want?" Craig looked worried.

"It's Sayori," he stated. "She's been kidnapped! We were attacked by a man in a trench coat while we were picking up trash. He knocked out the guard, then grabbed her and stuffed her into the cop car! Then he just drove off! And what's worse," he paused. "His eyes seemed to glow red." Immediately, I felt my heart sink. Another A.B.E. attack! They must be targeting anyone who came into contact with Buddy. And since Craig and Sayori stole him, they were a major factor in him going missing. But then Monika blurted out something else.

"Nathan and Natsuki! If Sayori and I were targeted for coming into contact with Buddy, they could be next!" I stood up.

"Alright," I stated. "Let's go to their house and check on them. Get the car keys, Monika." she nodded, then ran to go get them. I helped Craig to his feet. "Listen, man," I told him. "I'm still not happy with you kidnapping my girlfriend. But seeing as how these A.B.E.s are a lot more serious threat, how about we call a truce for now." Craig scowled, but then deflated, and stuck out his hand.

"It's a deal," he agreed.

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