Chapter 6: A Duel That Ends in Death

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The next day, we put Buddy and I's plan into motion. I quickly placed some fake contacts into my eyes, giving them a red glare, like Buddy's. We put on a couple of trench coats, and we each put on a pair of sunglasses as well. Then the two of us met Craig and Monika outside. Buddy and I climbed into the back of my truck as Monika took the wheel. Craig jumped into the passenger's seat, carrying a duffel bag full of our weapons. Buddy lay down. I knocked on the back window, and we drove off, preparing to confront this mysterious new villain and Sayori.

When we got to the warehouse that once served as Craig's "campaign office", Buddy and I leaped out of the back of the truck. Craig jumped out, too. I had been nice enough to lend him some clothes, so that he didn't stick out in his convict uniform. He opened the duffel bag and supplied us with weapons.

"Remember," Craig told us as he handed me the rifle. "One of you has got to keep the A.B.E.s busy long enough for the rest of us to free Sayori. Then we'll get the heck out of here, and call the police." He handed Buddy the axe, and gave me the machete. We both hid our weaponry underneath our trench coats.

"Craig, you realize that when the police get here, they're going to arrest you too, right?" I asked.

"Don't worry about me, Abe. I have a trump card."

"I don't like the sound of that," Monika muttered. We made our way up to the entrance. She suddenly looked very nervous. "Any chance that they already could've killed Sayori?"

"Only one way to find out," I told her, gently opening the door.

Inside, we were met with pitch, black darkness. Then the lights came on, and the two A.B.E.s we had seen earlier were standing before us. Above them on the rafter was Sayori. And I didn't like how she'd changed since I'd last seen her. The same ropes bound her to the chair. The same handkerchief was pulled into her mouth. The only difference was the noose wrapped around her neck. Next to her stood a young man with a Middle Eastern vibe, dressed in a tuxedo.

"Cretans!" he shouted at us. "I am Dimitri, and you have interfered with Project Libitina! Now hand over the prototype, or I push this girl off the rafter." He indicated to the noose. "You can probably guess what happens next."

"Alright, we'll send him up," Monika said, putting her hands on my shoulders. "What're you going to do with him?"

"Melt him down, so word of Project Libitina can never get out!" Dimitri shouted.

"But he doesn't know anything!" Buddy insisted.

"That doesn't matter to me." Dimitri pointed at me. "You, get over here!" I smiled. So far, our plan was working. The two A.B.E.s covered my friends as I made my way up the stairs to Dimitri. Then he scanned me with a metal detector. It beeped, thanks to the weapons beneath them. Then he removed my sunglasses. My fake red eyes stared back at him. "So, this is the prototype," he grinned. "Excellent. Initiate sleep mode!" he commanded me. Instead, I punched him in the face. He fell flat on his back, out cold.

"Looks can be deceiving," I told him. The two A.B.E.s turned to attack me, but Buddy grabbed them by the backs of their coats, forcing them to turn around to face him. I turned to Sayori, who was trying to tell me something, despite the handkerchief gagging her. Judging by her angry look, I figured it wasn't anything nice. I unsheathed Nathan's machete and sliced the noose off. "You're welcome," I told her. Just then, I heard Monika call out.

"Buddy! Are you okay?!" I turned around. Buddy was getting worked over by the A.B.E.s. He was getting some hits in, but they were punching him out pretty badly. Then one of the A.B.E.s leaped back, and released a jet of flame from its mouth, knocking Buddy back.

"Oh, come on! Who had the bright idea to give them fire breath?" Craig demanded. I needed to get down there and help him. I turned to Sayori.

"Sit tight," I told her. She groaned at my bad joke. I leaped off the balcony and ran to assist my friend. Buddy pulled out my axe from under his trench coat, and as an A.B.E. approached, dodged its kick, and hacked it into its back. However, it turned so suddenly it yanked the handle out of his hands. Buddy threw a haymaker, but it countered, and with one brutal attack, tore Buddy's left arm off his shoulder.

"Buddy!" Monika cried. That did it. Now I was angry. I charged the A.B.E. that had hurt my friend, and stabbed him through the chest with Nate's machete. Then I kicked him away. The second robot approached, but he was stumbling, having taken more damage. I noticed his right leg was weakened, so a quick stomp forced him to his knees. He threw a punch, but I countered, and dislocated his arm from the elbow. Then I got behind him, grabbed him by the hair, and crushed his neck with a knee. He collapsed to the ground, as his eyes faded to black.

"Way to go, Abe! But don't forget about Dragon Breath over there!" Craig warned. I turned as I saw the skewered but still living robot lumbering towards me. I knew this guy could breath fire, so I was at a loss of what to do. Then I remembered: I still had Nathan's hunting rifle! I pulled it out and stayed out of melee range. As it opened it's mouth to release fire, I took aim and shot it right in the mouth. It looked at me for a couple of seconds, and then his head burst into flames. The other A.B.E. fell face first onto the ground, and I knew he wasn't getting back up.

"The gargoyles from Dark Souls were tougher!" I told him.

We called the police, and got Sayori untied. She and Craig thanked us, then used their brilliant trump card for avoiding arrest: running away. With them gone, I decided to get some answers. I grabbed Dimitri by the throat, as he slowly got back to his feet, and slammed him into a wall.

"Alright, jerk, I've got some questions for you," I growled. "What is Project Libitina?" Dimitri glared at me.

"I won't give my boss away," he stated. Just then, there were sirens in the distance.

"The police won't be as kind getting answers," Monika informed him.

"I realize that," Dimitri stated. "That's why I have to do this." Suddenly, he bit down super hard. Then he started foaming at the mouth. Monika put her hands to her mouth as he twitched for a few seconds, then he went limp in my arms. Buddy scanned him.

"Cyanide," he stated. I let go of Dimitri's body in disgust.

"Why does everything that is even remotely related to DDLC have to be connected to suicide?!" I demanded. I wasn't really angry about that, though. It was more like I was terrified of what was going to happen in the future. Because I still had know idea what Project Libitina would be. It wouldn't be too long before I experienced it first hand, however.

Bonus Illustrations.

First, a picture of the first bad guy in the series, Craig.

First, a picture of the first bad guy in the series, Craig

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Second, his partner-in-crime, Sayori.

Second, his partner-in-crime, Sayori

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More chapters coming soon!

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