Chapter 7: Don't Do Libitina, Kids

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Monika and I just couldn't seem to catch a break. When the police showed up, they had a lot of questions, and I answered them all to the best of my abilities. They took Dimitri's body away. Then we headed home. Buddy rode in between Monika and I, clutching his shoulder. I felt terrible. I know Buddy couldn't feel any pain, but it was still probably pretty shocking to lose an arm.

"Buddy, I'm super sorry about your arm," I told him. Buddy dismissed me with a wave from his remaining hand.

"What are you sorry for? I'm a robot! I'll just get another one!" Monika smiled.

"No need to worry, Abe. Buddy's going to be just fine." And she was right. I was the one who was in for some trouble.


We arrived back home to find Nathan and Natsuki waiting for us. Judging by their faces when they saw Buddy's wires sticking out of his shoulder, I'm sure they were expecting the worst. So it was a bit pleasant to watch the relief wash across them as we confirmed we saved the day.

"In the end, the only human casualty was this guy named Dimitri, who kept bringing up something called Project Libitina," Buddy finished. "Craig and Sayori remain at large, though the police say after today they may be pardoned, since they helped reveal this mysterious project to the public." Natsuki sighed in relief.

"So is that it, then? Will the A.B.E. attacks stop?" Nathan asked. I shook my head.

"I don't know. Dimitri seemed more like a henchman than a mastermind." Then, a couple seconds later, we got our answer. A white van drove around the cul-de-sac my house was located on. The passenger seat window rolled down as it passed us by, and suddenly, there was a dart resting in my chest. The van sped off, leaving us in surprise and confusion.

"Abe! Are you okay?!" Monika demanded worriedly.

"He's been poisoned!" Natsuki shrieked. Right as she said this, I felt an aching pain in my head. Almost like a migraine, but I could feel my heart pounding in my head. It also felt like someone was squeezing my intestines while simultaneously tying them into a knot. I pulled the dart out of my chest. It was a small syringe, with the letters LBTN labeled in fine print on both sides. Libitina.

"I don't... feel so good," I groaned. I fell to my hands and knees.

"ABE!" Monika cried. Buddy grabbed the syringe and studied it.

"I don't recognize any of the chemicals in here!" he said worriedly. "But if they were going to kill Abe, why didn't they just use a regular gun with regular bullets?" All at once, I felt the overwhelming desire to inflict pain. On others, on myself, it didn't matter who. And I didn't just want to punch someone a few times, either. No, I wanted blood. I rose to my feet, my fists clenching and my head still throbbing. Monika stared at me worriedly.

"Abe?" I turned to look at her, and the most bloodcurdling scream I've ever heard erupted from her mouth. Then everything went red.

When I woke up, it was nighttime, and I was lying in an alleyway. I sat up groggily, more confused then scared about my current condition.

"Where... am I?" I asked.

"I found you like that," a scruffy voice spoke up. I turned to my left and saw a drifter standing there, looking at me with concern. "You were coming down the street, shouting and flailing and foaming at the mouth. Then you just fell on your back, out cold. It was like you were possessed, son." He looked at my face. "You were also covered in blood, mostly on your face, though a good deal of it was on your fists." Now I was suddenly scared. The last thing I remember before blacking out was a strong calling to hurt someone. What if I hurt my friends? What if I killed someone? Then how was I ever going to use that thing in my pocket? Then I noticed there weren't any cops around. I looked at the drifter.

"Where are the police?" I asked him. "Shouldn't they be here?" he shook his head.

"You showed up while there weren't many people around. Everyone that was here just thought you were drunk." He held his hand, and helped me to my feet. "One elderly lady was concerned you were going to hurt someone, but you seemed more interested in doing that to yourself." I sighed somewhat in relief. If it was true what he said, then that meant there was a good chance nobody was hurt. Just then, I noticed Maverick's car driving down the road. I jumped up and down, waving. Maverick pulled over to the side of the road. Out he jumped, with Monika in the backseat.

"Abe!" Maverick demanded. Are you okay?" I nodded. Monika burst out of the car, and nearly crushed me in her embrace. She kissed me almost five times on the cheeks before she remembered to speak.

"Abe, you had me worried sick!" she started. "When you looked up, I saw a contorted version of your face. Your eyes were bloodshot, and your veins were glowing green. You started foaming at the mouth, and when Nathan approached, you hit him hard enough to knock him and his wheelchair over. Natsuki and Buddy tried to detain you, but it was like your strength was increased ten-fold. You backhanded Nat, then tore Buddy's face off, and knocked him to the ground with a kick. Then you turned to me, but seemed to change your mind, and started whaling on yourself. And then, you were gone." She looked at me, and kissed me some more. "Oh, I'm just so relieved you're alive!" I gave her a smile.

"Me, too." I looked at Maverick. "You got any food?" Maverick laughed.

"Abe, this is me we're talking about. Of course I have food." He popped his truck. Inside was a cooler, which had a whole bunch of sandwiches, along with some drinks. "Eat up." I took a sandwich and a Pepsi.

"Awesome," I said. I looked at Monika and Mav, and shrugged. "You should probably take to the hospital, now."

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