Final Chapter: A Wedding to Remember

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It had been a hectic month. I had to call my mother and father, and tell them that I was getting married. They had driven all the way up from Idaho Falls to attend my wedding. Dad was proud of me, and mom was mad that I hadn't informed her that I had a girlfriend before I decided to get married. That changed when she met Monika, so I had her permission. Now, it was the day of the wedding, and I was sitting in a side room of my church, trying not to throw up on my tuxedo. Maverick did his best to comfort me.

"Don't worry, Abe. This won't be as hard as you think," he assured me. I glared at him.

"That's easy for you to say! You're not the one getting married." He shrugged.
"Fair enough. But, I will be standing up there, giving you the best smile I can muster. How does that sound?" I couldn't help but laugh.

"Alright, Ron. If you do your part, I'll do mine." Just then, Buddy entered the room.

"Hey, Abe, they're ready for you." I stood up shakily.

"Is it time already?" I asked. Buddy nodded.

"Yeah. Come on, man. You've got this." I exhaled deeply. If Buddy thought that I could do it, then chances were I could do it.
"Alright. Let's get this done."


I stood on the stage at my church, fidgeting with my tie. I'd been standing up there for over five minutes. Up on stage with me was Maverick, Buddy, and Craig, my groomsmen, and the bridesmaids: Sayori, Yuri, and Natsuki. Nathan would've liked to have been a groomsman, but unfortunately, he was confined to his wheelchair. So instead, he sat in the front row, next to my parents, and gave me the thumbs up. Just then, the organ music started up.

"Here we go," I whispered to myself. I stood transfixed as she walked down the aisle. She was beautiful, her snowy white arms clasped around roses of scarlet red. I could see her auburn hair flowing out from under her veil. She stepped up onto the stage, and I could feel her emerald eyes locked on me. We waited patiently as Pastor Jim stepped up onto the stage, and smiled.

"Good afternoon, everyone," Jim announced. "Today we've gathered here today to unite Abe Chandler to Monika Salvato in holy matrimony." He droned on for a while, until the wedding vows came. Monika took my hand and slipped a wedding ring on my finger. "Alright," Jim grinned. "Do you, Monika, take Abe to be your husband, in good and bad, until death due you part?" Monika looked at me, and I could tell she was smiling.

"Yes." Jim smiled.

"Good. And you, Abe?" I looked at Monika. I really, truly loved her. I nodded, then realized I had to vocalize it.

"Very good. You may now kiss the bride." I lifted the veil. Monika's beautiful face stared back at me. I winked at her.

"This is what we call love in our reality," I told her. Her eyes glimmered.
"I know that now," she whispered. Then we leaned forward, and our lips met. I could hear the audience in the background, but who needs an audience? This was all I wanted, Monika and I bound together, as husband and wife.


That night, as we were driven to the airport, I looked at Monika.

"So, what made you choose Tokyo as our honeymoon?" I asked. She looked at me, and shrugged.

"That's where I supposed to be living in the game. I want to see my 'homeland', and experience it firsthand." I grinned, and kissed her on her cheek.

"As you wish." She leaned her head on my shoulder, and I closed my eyes. Life was going to be a bit different now, but the future looks bright.

Final Bonus Art: Special thanks to my friend Yessi, who put so much time into this picture. See you after the honeymoon.

 See you after the honeymoon

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