Chapter Twelve: Not Again.

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"If you make a sound, I'll slit your throat," Their voice ringed in your ears.

The blade was held closely to your neck, a sudden slip up could possibly be the end for you. You started to shake in fear, your heart raced as adrenaline pumped through your veins.

"Get up," They demanded. You obliged, not wanting to aggravate whoever this was.

You couldn't tell who they were-their voice was hoarse and just above a whisper. They obviously didn't want to draw attention.

You couldn't see what they looked like. They had on an oversized sweater that covered their facial features. It was also dark.

You slowly sat up, the blade still positioned closely to your throat, you were still a bit disoriented from waking up- especially waking up to the sound of glass breaking and a blade being held against your neck.

In impatience, they roughly pulled you up by your hair, the blade still pressed against your flesh. Because of how roughly they pulled you up, the blade nicked your neck just a little bit, causing some blood to appear.
You bit your lip, preventing any sound to come out.

"Try anything and I won't be afraid to fucking cut you," They hissed.

You tried to steady your breathing. You could feel your chest tighten and your throat become dry. Beads of sweat cascaded down your face.

You prayed for anyone to burst in your room and save you.

They pulled you over to the now broken window. With their free hand they moved some of the glass over and it fell on the floor. They were wearing leather gloves so the glass didn't cut their hand.

They pushed you up against the window, the breeze from outside made you shiver. They moved the knife from your throat to your back.

"Climb out. Don't even think about doing anything any else or I swear to god-"

They were cut off by someone bursting into your room.

-3rd Person POV-

Brendon and the others made it home earlier then they were supposed to. Before they left, they set up security cameras around the outside of the house.

Brendon walked up to a door and unlocked it. He stepped inside the room, the little room had camera monitors and such. He sat down and began to look over the footage.

After a few minutes of looking over the footage, he noticed The monitor he was looking at revealed the outside of your room. He thought he saw a shadow move pass your window from outside.

Curious, he zoomed in and spotted a figure there by your window. Whoever it was broke the glass and stepped inside your room.

"Oh my god.." Brendon said. Patrick walked by and overheard.

"What's wrong?" Patrick asked as he walked into the room.

"Someone's broken into (Y/n)'s room!" Brendon shouted.

"Wait, are you sure!?" Patrick said.

《Please, Don't Be Afraid》Brendon Urie x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now