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Just like how a gardener would stare lovingly at the flowers she was tending, you sat with the same amount of love in your eyes by gawking at the man who leaned against the wall of the cafe. You watched him fix his tie for the umpteenth time while he mumbled phrases under his breath. In his hands were two cups of coffee that may have started to get cold, one for him and the other for someone he's waiting for. He believes he's a mess standing awkwardly by the side, but you thought otherwise. You knew if you told him he looked perfect, he wouldn't believe you. That's just how he is with you.

You sighed.

"What are you ugly sighing at? Wonpil again?" The man beside you asked, nudging you on the side.

"I don't get why he's nervous about his date. He'd have her falling to her knees the moment she sees him." You sighed again.

"You clearly don't know who he's seeing." Jae chuckled, shaking his head.

"I don't get why he wants to see her either." You groaned, burying your head into your arms that rested on the table.

"Well, I don't get why you agreed to come and 'support' his date when you'll feel miserable about it anyway." He fired back, causing you to glare at him.

"I'm here as his friend. Now, stop pestering me and making me feel worse." You rolled your eyes.

Jae didn't listen to you though. He continued to try bothering you but you tuned him out and stared at Wonpil biting his lip. You watched him switch his attention from the door to the coffee in his hands.

Finally, the bell rang and in came a girl with long hair wearing a brown trench coat and a blue scarf wrapped around her neck.

You felt like throwing up.

The way Wonpil smiled at her as if she was an angel sent from heaven. The way he leaned in to whisper how stunning she looked. The way he handed the coffee like it was the most fragile thing ever while staring deeply into her eyes. She probably doesn't know how lucky she is to have him treat her like a queen.

Yet she was nothing but a devil in disguise.

The moment Wonpil was waiting for came crashing down in an instant when she scowled at him and spilled the contents of her cup onto his shirt.

Wonpil's eyes widened in disbelief and so did yours. The girl had a smug look on her face, a smirk you wanted to wipe off so badly. She threw the empty cup to the floor, crushing it with her foot before leaving without another word.

"She finally had enough." You heard Jae mutter next to you.

You ignored him and made your way to where Wonpil stood, looking dejected with his head hung low. Everyone had their eyes on him, whispering and gossiping amongst themselves but you didn't care. You didn't see him any less.

You grabbed the unused napkins that rested on the table next to him and started to wipe the liquid on his shirt. You stared into his eyes but he refused to meet yours. What used to be two bright and cheery orbs now held nothing but emptiness and pain.

"Wonpil, we'll take you home." You held his hand, motioning Jae to come over.

You felt his grip tighten and that's when he had the courage to meet your gaze with tears escaping his eyes.

"Did I do something wrong again?" He cried.

No, Wonpil. You were never in the wrong.

You just need to realize some things aren't meant to work out.

Something better's waiting for you.

Sometimes they're in front of you.

You wanted to tell him that, but even if you did... would he believe you?

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Kim Wonpil // CluelessWhere stories live. Discover now