Chapter 1

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A/N: Hey ladies an gents(if that's what you like), enjoy this story.

(Reader's POV)

I bolt up as my alarm clock beeps like a madman. I sigh and crash my hand on the snooze button. I get up and head to the bathroom. I took a quick shower and then went to my little brother's room.

"(B/N) wake up! We start school today." I say shaking his shoulder. "DUDE!"

"I'M UP! I'M UP!" He said as I snicker. I stand up and told him to get ready.

I brush my hair out of my face and start combing it. I looked at the little bed on the drawer. I smile at my tiny friends. I button up the buttons of my shirt.

"Guys c'mon. I thought you wanted to go with me to my first day of school." I exclaimed to the three characters.

"Five more minutes." The (f/c) one said. Her name is Muse. Her hair was red, which was pulled into a loose bun. Muse was wearing a (f/c) flowing dress that went to her knees. Her shoes were black with a music not on the buckle part. Muse is my dream to be a good singer someday.

"Muse, wake up!" The (2nd/f/c) one said. Her name is Symphony. Her long golden hair flowed down her back. Symphony was wearing a grey tank top with a (2nd/f/c) cardigan over it. Symphony represents my love for music.

"Mmm...." The (3rd/f/c) one mumbled as she yawned. Her name is Score. Her long brown hair was in a pony tail. Score was wearing (3rd/f/c) soccer gear. Score is for my goal to be a pro at soccer when I grow older.

"C'mon! I'll make you pancake." I told her getting her attention.

"With a lot of syrup?" Muse asked her mouth watering.

"Yes! I can't make it now," Muse was slightly disappointed,"but I will make you some on the week end."

"Ok." Muse said quietly.

"Alright!" I exclaimed.

-le time skip to school-

"I'll see you after school nee-chan." (B/N) said to me waving as he went to his class.

I sigh and started walking with my bag on m back. My headphones were on so I didn't hear that anyone was behind me. I sang the song, which was 'Headphones' by Britt Nicole.

Muse and Symphony where sitting on my head sleeping, while Score is on my shoulder staring off into space. I felt someone tap my shoulder. Looking behind me, I see a boy with light brown hair and emerald green eyes, he also had piercings on both ears. I looked at him confused as I pull down my (color) headphones.

"What's up?" I ask him. He smiles and looks up on my head.

"I see you have charas." He said his emerald green eyes sparkling.

"Oh well yeah." I say waking Muse and Symphony who looked at the boy then circled his head while Score is still staring off into space.

"Hey would you mind following me?" He asks grinning. I shook my head slowly. I look to his right to see a chara, he has mint-green hair and light brown eyes. His chara is wearing a white sweatband around his head with a yellow star on it, yellow and white sneakers, white shorts, and a yellow t-shirt.

"I'm Souma Kukai and this is Daichi." Kukai said introducing himself.

"I'm (l/n) (f/n) and these are Muse, Symphony and Score." I said pointing to who was who.

"Well (l/n)-san, I'm going to take you to a bunch of other kids who also have charas." The brunette boy said walking into what looked like a greenhouse.

"Ok and you can call me (f/n)." I say and see him nod his head.

-time skip to the place-

"GUYS!" Kukai said getting the attention of the people in the greenhouse. They looked at him about to say hello when they saw me and my charas. We waved awkwardly and they waved too.

"Hi! I'm (l/n) (f/n) this is Muse, Symphony and Score." I gestured to the three tiny people who waved at them.

"Well, I'm Hinamori Amu and these are Ran, Miki and Su." A girl with light brown eyes and pink hair. I smiled at her and her charas as they waved back.

"I'm Hotori Tadase this is Kiseki." He said pointing to a chara in a king's outfit with puffy dark blue pants with white strpies, and a long red cape with a yellow crown. Tadase had short blonde hair with red-violet, almost mahogany eyes.

"I am Fujisaki Nadeshiko and this is Temari." A girl with dark purple hair that is tied up with ribbons with sakura flowers at the ends and beautiful brown eyes said. Temari was purple hair that are tied into a large, wide, and straight ponytail, with a pair of sakura flowers and purple eyes.

"Hi! I'm Yuiki Yaya and this is Pepe-chan!" A girl with brownish-orangish hair in pigtails with big red ribbons attached to her hair with eyes that are brown. Pepe has the same hair style as Yaya but her eyes are periwinkle.

"It's nice to meat you all." I said smiling at the people in the room. "So Souma-san, why did you bring me here?

"Well, not a lot of people here in this school have charas so I brought you here so they can see you and well find out what we will do with you." He gasp in air. "Oh and you can call me Kukai."

"Wow." I mumbled to myself.

"(F/N) IM BORED!" Score whined making me roll my eyes at her.

"Then go play soccer then." I replied her getting Kukai's attention.

"Soccer? Isn't the ball too big for her?" Kukai asked me making me nod.

"Well, she has a ball with her somewhere." I said looking into my bag. "Where is your soccer ball Score?" I asked the soccer-loving-chara.

Pulling out the ball from somewhere, she floated down and started kicking the ball around getting the other charas to start playing with it too. A few seconds later, it turns into a full on soccer match.

"We have a few questions for you so let's sit down." Tadase exclaimed as I watched the charas fight over the ball.

"Yea sure." I said my attention still on the soccer game happening in front of me. Kukai also seemed caught up in the game too.

"O-oi!" I heard Amu say nervously.

"GOAL!" I shout out as Score kicks the ball past the line where the other team's goal was. My sudden outburst surprises the others.

"C'mon!" Amu said dragging me to sit down on the table. My attention was now directed towards the guardians.

-time skip brought to you by flying mint bunny-

"So you wan me to help you guys out to watch out for whatever these X eggs are so Hinamori-san here can 'purify' them?" I asked making bunny quotes as I said purify.

"Basically yes." Nadeshiko said sipping tea.

"And if I help you, then the children with those X eggs will get their eggs back?" I asked again sipping tea as well.

"Yup." Yaya said eating some stuff.

"Ok." I said calmly. This surprised the guardians.

"Wow. I thought you'd freak out and stuff." Kukai mumbled with food in his mouth.

"Don't talk with your mouth full Kukai-kun." I said sipping the tea again. I looked at Kukai who was pouting. I laughed quietly.

Suddenly, we heard a ring and so we stood up.

"Wait what will her position be then?" Amu asked Tadase.

"Hmmm... she can be Number One."

A/N: Hey guys~ hope you like it so far!

Number One (Souma Kukai x reader)Where stories live. Discover now