A dirt poor author, a manipulative Mick. A relationship that could make one sick. Far back in time, in a web of lies, so here is the story of The Spider and the Fly.
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[This story was inspired from the song "The Spider and the Fly," spiderwebs I almost ran into, spiders that happen to watch you while you take a shower, the song "Under my Thumb," and most importantly the book, "The Spider and the Fly which you will see illustrations from because that book describes this one very well. Many thanks to those who will read this! <3]
With one final stroke of the black, brisley brush, Blizzy removed the last little bit of creosote from the cracked red brick of the chimney. She then grabbed her nearby old, rickety vacuum and turned it on so that she could vacuum up the last bit of the white fuzz.
"Alright! That's about it, ma'am! This'll cost ya thirty pounds, but tips are always quite nice." Blizzy smiled and shoved all her chimney cleaning supplies into her soot covered bag while she was talking to her customer.
"Cash or check?" A middle aged woman, presumably in her 40's, wore extremely nice garb with pearls all around and just so happened to be Blizzy's customer. She wore a wide, fake smile on her face. But she was at least still happy that her disgusting chimney finally got cleaned, and for a reasonable price as well!
"Whatever works best for you." Blizzy answered as she slung her tools bag over her shoulder.
"Check it is, then!" The lady scurried off into the kitchen, her high heels clicking every time she briskly stepped forward. She found her husband's checkbook, and a really nice fountain pen, and began to scribble the necessary information in it. "I make this out to 'Eugene and Son's' right?"
"Yep!" Blizzy replied, and waited for the lady to be done, tapping her foot impatiently. The lady quickly made a check for thirty pounds, then slipped Blizzy ten extra as a tip for a job well done.
"Wow! Thank ya very much, ma'am!" Blizzy's grin grew wide, and her eyes shone with joy. "Yer so generous and kind!"
"Well, you look like you need the money. After all, you need some nice clothes and good makeup to attract a man! Ladies aren't supposed to be dirty chimney sweeps after all!" The lady smiled to herself, and truly embraced the housewife ideology. Funny thing how she said that Blizzy was a dirty chimney sweep, because Blizzy was actually a sweet and innocent young woman. But she was quite gullible as well...
Blizzy's heart dropped, and did her smile before she began faking it. "Well, makeup isn't my thing. I like chimneys. That's my love."
"Well, sorry to burst your bubble, but you need to act more lady like. No man is ever going to want you!" The lady's high pitched, British accented voice was starting to get annoying very quickly. "After all, you need to take care of the children and the house and such!"
Blizzy thought long and hard about this. "But no man even bothers to look at me twice," Blizzy sprinkled in some sass to her speech. "Plus, children aren't my thing, if ya get what I'm sayin.'"
"Well..." The lady tried digging around for excuses. "You must! It's what every woman is made for!" Those words spoke truth about women living in those times. Some wanted to trap them as housewives forever. However, what the lady said was biologically correct, but not necessarily something that every woman wanted or needed.
"Fine. I may be a woman, but I ain't made for just any plain old man! I was made for getting real sooty and up in them chimneys!" Saying that Blizzy loved chimneys was an understatement. She loved them a lot. It weirded the lady out quite a bit.
"Well, you say that now, but one day things will change!" The lady continued her argument even further by adding, "Come back here when you've had your first child. I will actually give you a thousand pounds."
"Wow. A bet, hm? Maybe you'll never see me again." Blizzy shrugged and slid the check and cash over to herself and stuffed it in her overall pocket.
"Just... Just leave!" The lady tried shoving Blizzy out, but Blizzy was already out the door with her equipment, money, and vacuum. She didn't really like the lady much despite the generous tip.
Blizzy then got on a bike and strapped the bag to the back of the bike before riding off to her workplace. Once there, she dropped off the money at the main desk, and her bag into her locker.
"Hey! Blizzy!" The woman at the desk, named Virginia, yelled over at Blizzy and beckoned her over before Blizzy could leave.
"Yeh?" Blizzy turned around. "Wot you want?"
"Are The Blue Angels gonna play tonight?" Virginia asked. The Blue Angels were Blizzy's band, or at least the band she played in. It was more of a part time hobby, not really a stable job. It was all in great fun! The group was made up of a drummer, a bassist, a guitarist (Blizzy's best friend), a Sitarist (Blizzy), and the singers popped in at random. They played whatever music was popular on the radio because more people would show up to their small "concerts." They were a fun listen, and Virginia happened to be a fan.
"No, we got invited to a high profile party tonight." Blizzy thought of this, and smiled widely. She couldn't wait to go there.
"That sounds like a lot of fun! Have a great time, and stay away from LSD... It's... It's something." Virginia shuddered and recalled all the bad trips she's had. She was against LSD and was one of the very few who thought it was bad.
"Haha, I will! Thank you!" And with that, Blizzy went to her dumpy flat and was greeted by her best friend, Shashi and a bag of crisps. They stood there, talked a little bit, and then went off to go to the party. After all, tonight was going to be a very special night...
A/n: This is a bit fast paced, and I am not used to writing stories like these. But I think it's pretty good so far.