New Job

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Hoseok lead the way to his friend's business. The two boys followed behind with their hands intertwined.

"But anyways his name is Seokjin" Hoseok finally finished rambling.

Taehyung, who understood the boy's rambling, nodded his head while Jimin didn't catch onto a single thing he rambled about.

"We're almost here" Hoseok cheered.

Taehyung was entertained looking at the unfamiliar environment. The street they were on was known for the colorful buildings.

They eventually arrived at a restaurant with a big sign that read 'Seokjin's world wide verity of food'

They pushed open the double glass doors to be greeted by the smell of food and the sound of sliver wear clattering.

"Hoseok you're here early" A man with pink hair yelled from across the room, catching the attention of other workers and a couple customers.

"Namjoon where's Jin at?" Hoseok yelled back at the man.

"What? I can't hear you" Namjoon yelled back.

They continued yelling back and forth to each other until someone got annoyed and told them to stop.

Namjoon walked over to the brunette rubbing his neck awkwardly, note to self, don't yell across the room while people are around.

"Who are they" Namjoon said pointing to the young couple.

Hoseok turned around to introduce them.

"This is Jimin," Hoseok said pointing at the boy with orange hair.

"And this is Taehyung" He continued and poked Taehyung on the cheek.

Jimin waved at the older boy and Taehyung smiled his unique box smile.

"I'm Namjoon and it's nice to meet the two of you" He said s smile of his own forming showing off his dimples.

"Anyways, where's Jin at?" Hoseok spoke.

Namjoon frowned, but then replied.

"He's sick he has a pretty bad cold" Namjoon said and Hoseok was now Frowning as well.

"Aw man, hope he gets better" Hoseok said.

The two boys in the back looked at each other awkwardly, while the other two continued talking.

"Do you think they forgot about us?" Jimin whispered into Taehyung's ear.

Taehyung shrugged before pulling on Hoseok's shirt to get his attention.

Hoseok turned around and smiled before interrupting Namjoon.

"I brought them here because they need a job" Hoseok smiled at Namjoon.

Namjoon looked at the two and back at Hoseok with an apologetic look.

"You know we aren't hiring right now" Namjoon said with a sad tone.

"Well now you are!" Hoseok said not giving Namjoon a choice and pulling the other two to the kitchen.

Namjoon just watched Hoseok taking the two into the back, with his mouth agape.

"I guess we got two new employees" Namjoon said to himself.

Hoseok took them into the kitchen to show them where they'd be working.

"Okay so you guys are going to be working right here!" Hoseok said then pointed to the sink.

"So we're are doing the dishes?" Jimin asked and hoseok nodded his head.

Hoseok knew that they had nobody to do the dishes leaving Namjoon with the extra work.

"So get to work" Hoseok said before walking out.

Taehyung turned the sink on and then splashed Jimin with the water.

"Aish, we have to work" Jimin said while wiping the water on his face.

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