❤Happy Birthday To Me❤

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Jack is really something different. Instead of shunning me when I told him about my horrid life, he embraced it and accepted it. He knows about the rejection, and all he's done to me, and he treated me like an actual person. "I thought wolves die when their mates reject them. No offense to you though." He said with question, and I shrugged giving him a small grin. "I have been rejected all my life, the alpha makes no difference." He looked at me in awe for a second before looking back up at the sky.

We were sitting in a simple meadow watching the clouds move around, and talk about random things. "When's your birthday?" I asked out of the blue, and he looked at me with raised eyebrows at my question. "December 21. Yours?" He asked with a laugh, and then I understood how weird it was to ask a vampire when was his birthday. "Tomorrow." I stated, and he stared at me with excited eyes which made me double over in laughter at how silly he looked.

"WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO FOR YOUR BIRTHDAY? CAN I COME?" He practically screamed at me, and I shrugged my shoulders weakly. "Nothing." I stated.


It took him five minutes to grab me, and get me to his house just to plan out a birthday party for me. Vampires are absolutely crazy about birthdays for some reason, so if one wants to plan one for you, stay out of their way. Too bad he was faster than me, so I couldn't run away...

"What kind of cake do you want?"

"I don't care."

"What color is your favorite?"

"I don't care."

"What music do you like?"

"I don't care."


Making this guy mad is the funniest thing ever, because his face gets all red and he gets all serious. It's just hilarious. "Be serious!" He whined like a two year old, and I stifled my laughter before he threw a hissy fit. "How about you just throw me a surprise party, and save yourself the trouble." I suggested, and his face lit up like a Christmas tree, and he hugged me tightly. "You are a genius. Now go sit in the living room and watch TV or something." He said, and I got up with a quiet sigh. I can't stay here no matter how much I want to.

"I have to leave-" He cut me off instantly. "You are staying here tonight, because I want to make sure you are okay after everything that happened." He dead panned, and I held my hands up in surrender. Mr.Crazy Pants is pushy... "Such a diva." I mumbled to myself, and I saw him glare at me. I giggled running into the living room, and plopping down on the nice white couch. He had a 36 inch flat screen TV, and I stared at it in worship. I got on my knees in front of the television and started bowing down to the magical machine. "I worship you." I said, and I heard someone laugh behind me.

I blushed deeply, and turned the TV on to pretend like that never happened. Sponge Bob came on, and I started bouncing up and down on the couch. "SPONGEBOB SQUARE PANTS!" I screamed. Jack stopped laughing, and looked between me and the screen before rolling his eyes and going into the kitchen. 'He is like the little brother we've always wanted.' My wolf said quietly, and I nodded simply. Even though she's hurt she still helps me to make right decisions. I felt drowsy after watching television for a while, so I curled up on the

couch and drifted off into a peaceful sleep.


(Skipping to the party.)

"Did you really invite my whole pack to this." I hissed at him, and he smiled looking through his drawers for a dress I can wear. "Yes, I did, and you are going to blow them away with how good you look." He smirked, and I groaned laying back on the bed. "Found it." He said finally, and I plucked the delicate material out of his hands.

I went into the bathroom and changed into the beautiful white dress, and I was in awe. It stopped at the middle of my thigh, hugged my breast and waist, and made my legs look amazing. "Who the heck is this?" I whisper yelled to myself, and Jack was in here in a second. "You look marvelous now do your hair. I want to party!" He exclaimed, and I shook my head at him. I put my hair in a tight bun, and added a black bow to the side of my head.

I walked back into his room, and grabbed the black flats that waited for me on his bed. I slipped them on just when Jack started dragging me out if the room and down the stairs. That is when I started to feel uneasy, and I held Jack's hand tighter. "Don't worry I got you, sis." He whispered to me, and I smile when he called me that. When we walked down the stairs the most heavenly smell hit my nose, and I knew who it was. My wolf stayed string for me though, and I dearly appreciated that.

Everyone stopped and stared when we walked by, and I didn't show them one emotion. Jack had somehow planned the whole party while I was sleeping, and this is the best party I ever had. He even put a throne for me at the front of the room, and there were a table full of gifts next to it, "I owe you big time." I smiled crushing him in a hug. "Happy birthday!" He cheered.

The whole time I was either sitting on the throne, or dancing with Jack since he demanded I dance with him. Weirdo. Nick tried multiple times to talk to me, but I ignored him and walked away each time. I had no time to feel bad at my party. This has probably been the best day of my life, happy birthday to me.

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