♡I Am Your Guardian♡

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We had literally made up what could be called a war meeting, and the people included are Sarah Jack's mate, Jack, Nick, Chanel, and Mulan. "How are we going to find out who is coming after us?" Chanel asked, and I put my head in my hands trying to think. There are too many choices because werewolves are known for power, and some supernatural creatures want this power. Werecats and hybrids just seem to want the power more than the others.

We need help. "THAT'S IT! WE NEED HELP!" I yelled, standing up from my seat with a look of relief. "Has she been smoking?" Jack asked Sarah, and she shrugged coming over to me with a flashlight. "Let me check your vitals." She said, and put a flashlight to my checking for dilation. "I'm fine. What I mean is there are packs all over this country, and every other, so why not call them in?" I said, and the room went silent. "You. Are. A. Genius." Nick smiled, and he picked me up twirling me around making me giggle.

"Come on, Brie. We have people to talk to, and a pack to tale care of.". Mulan said, and we walked out the door to the living room where people were sitting looking worried.As soon as I walked in they bowed their heads in respect to me, and I blushes slightly at the attention they were giving me. "Everyone, I know you have been worried about the impending war, and what is to come from it, but I assure you we have the situation under control. With that being said I am making an important decision, everyone will a high title in this pack are removed from this point on." Everyone gasped, and started detesting. "LISTEN! This pack is not the strongest, or even close to it because of all the slacking you all do. I am here to protect you, but you must want to be helped, so tomorrow morning everyone report for training at six o'clock." I commanded, and they shuffled out of the room gossiping amongst themselves.

The old beta and third in command came up to me with fury in their eyes. "What do you think your doing?" Beta David snarled, at me and I growled at him. 'He must die for disrespecting a goddess.' Faith growled, and I ignored her. "You have disgraced this pack with the way you run it, so I Alpha Nick and myself will choose someone worthy." I said calmly, and he raised a hand as if to hit me. A hand grabbed his wrist tightly, and I saw Nick looking at him with hatred. He had been so quiet I hadn't noticed he was here at all. "You will not lay a hand on what is mine, and I suggest you leave before I tear you apart limb from limb." Kevin growled, and the old beta and third in command ran with tear tails between their legs.

Nick put a hand on my cheek, and looked for any sort of scratch on me, so he could go rip David apart. "Are you okay?" He asked, and I nodded poking his nose with a smile. "I'm perfectly fine." I giggled, and he let that charming smile grace his lips. It surprises me how I was able to forgive him, but what would be the point of defying nature. Even if I moved half way across the country we would somehow be together. "Okay love birds, Nick has to call in the packs, and you Miss Williams deserve a break." Chanel said pulling me away similar to how Mulan did.

Somehow we ended up in the kitchen eating ice cream with the rest if the girls. Sarah is the perfect mate for Jack, and her being a nerd just makes it all the more reason to love her. She is a vampire, but like I said, they aren't enemies. Chanel is a happy go lucky girl, and we have become best friends from the days we spent together in the meetings. I like her company, and I know she has never said a rude word to me no matter what the pack had said. Mulan is like a sister to me because if the way she has helped me adjust to leading a pack, and is trying to help with the entire wolf race. Her mate is yet to be found, but I know he'll be lucky to have her.

We were laughing and talking, as usual when Kendall came in with her mate Jax. Jax is the typical bad boy, he breaks rules, he gets in to fights, and i'm 98% sure he went to jail fifteen times. We actually bonded one time last year when we got locked inside the school together one time. Long story short I found out we both didn't live the best lives, and he keeps me from getting pranked by some jerks from time to time. Kendall is new to the pack actually, and knows nothing of how they treated me, and believe me I don't mind. "Brie Bear!" Kendall squealed jumping on me, and I managed to keep from falling with my reflexes. "Hey, Kendall. What up, Jax?" I said, and Jax gave me a nod which means okay.

"I heard about the training tomorrow, and I agree this pack needs some shaping." She smiled, and I shook my head at how nice this girl is. If she met the old me I can bet you we would have been complete opposites. "Yeah I on-" An alarm went off in the house, and I knew it was for a trespasser. I ran out of the kitchen in a flash, and I was out the house to help protect the pack from any means of danger. 'Let me take over.' Faith commanded, and I let her take full control. She shifted instantly, and bolted for the unknown scent coming from the left side of our border. It was weird because I didn't feel the need to hurt this person, but protect them.

Eventually I came face to face with a girl that looked pretty much as bad as Jax. The first words she spoke shocked me. "I am your guardian."

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