Chapter Two

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Disclaimer - i own nothing it all belongs to J.K Rowling  

Hermione's point of view

"..... Truth or Dare"

He's going to try and kill me through a dare! I don't want to die!!

Of course, this is me on the inside. On the outside I am much cooler.

"So how are we playing, what are the boundary's?"

"Well Granger, we only have three boundaries' number one: it can't get them killed"

Thank god !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#

"Number two: can't get them expelled."

Okay so these ruled are actually the same as the Gryffindor rules. The last one will be nothing sexual.

"Number three: can't get them more than three months detention or you will have to then do the dare yourself."


"So, we will spin the bottle to see who askes who" Astora states just before Pansy pipes in with "and we will be using a weaker version of Verterserum to make sure you are always telling the truth"

Double gulp

A few rounds passed and I thankfully was not chosen. So far Nott and Pansy both confessed they liked each other, Zambini is wearing a full face of makeup and Malfoy was asked 'how may girls he had done'. Unsurprisingly, he's lost count. Now it was his turn to spin.

Don't pick me! Don't pick me! Don't pick me!


Dam you universe! Dam you!

"Truth or Dare"

"Dare" I said without question (though I would soon be questioning it)

"strip down to your underwear" he simply stated with that evil smirk fixed on his face. "unless you don't believe use to be your friends and if that is true then we will have to go back to being enemy's"

Evil, slimy, big headed, ugly, idiotic, moronic dim-witted ferret!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Trying to make me uncomfortable. Well you know what? I will show him!!!

So, without really thinking it through, I stripped down to my underwear. Thank god that I had been working out over the summer to get into shape after the war.

Draco's point of view

That was a shock, she did it! I thought that she would back out or that if she did it she would at least be uncomfortable but she seems to look at ease at the whole situation.

She has a really good figure
Who are you?
ugh great I'm talking to myself. The first sign of madness
it's only a sign of madness if you are talking aloud to yourself so we're safe buddy

"Draco hello" Blaise hand is waved in front of my face after I snap out of my trance "Theo has given Granger a dare and you kind of need to participate"

Ugh I don't like that look

"what type of participation" I asked my fiend wearily

"I dared my new friend granger here to have a two minuet make out session with my long-time friend Draco Malfoy" Theo piped in far to happily.

As I looked over to Granger I could see that all the colour had completely drained from her face. I would get over it but her ... well it looked like it would just embarrass her considering that she is in her underwear and all. Plus, the only guy she will have kissed would probably have been the weasel.

"Well come on granger I haven't got all night" I say with a smirk.

"can't" she huffed with irritation while getting to her feet "sorry but I am currently in a relationship and I would rather not cheat. So, I am going to my new dorm and going to bed!"

Enjoying her irritation to much I shook his head "no can-do Granger." Slowly, like a predator stalking its prey, I advanced towards her and pined her against the wall before continuing "nobody says no to kissing a Malfoy and no Slytherin dates a Gryffindor! You can stay friends with him if you want but you cannot date him! You have till the end of this weekend to break things off with him or I will have all of the Slytherins talking of how you cheated on him with me and..." I paused and start to kiss her passionately my grip never faltering as I slowly move down her neck and leave my mark before I whisper in her ear "and now you have a mark to prove it. Good-night......... don't let the beg bugs bite" I add as an afterthought.

Oh, this was going to be a fun year.

Ron's point of view

Harry, Ginny and I have been talking all evening about Hermione. The only difference we can see is that she is more care free and up to breaking the rules and doing pranks. I know my girlfriend and she is not evil!

Just then an owl tapped on the window. It was a brown owl will sleek feathers that I know for a fact is Hermione's. before you can even say magic, I am up and over to the window to retrieve the letter.

'My dearest Ronald,

My first night in the Slytherin common room was horrible. Everyone is so manipulative. I hate it here!! So far, I have already had to strip to my underwear and play tough tennis with Malfoy. Can't people just leave me alone!! I have also found out that over the free weekend we have been given I have to do some sort of initiation!! I don't want to die!!!

Well the real reason I am writing this letter is not to give you an update it is to tell you that we need to break up. Tonight, I have been taught the rules and they have made an exception with allowing me to be friends with Gryffindors but they all draw the line at relationships. I truly am sorry but I don't want to spend the next year running from my own house. I hope you, Harry and Ginny can meet me at the astronomy tower tomorrow after lunch.

All My Love

I have no idea how to react. I guess I knew this would come but I hoped it would come later rather than sooner.

"you okay mate you look like you've seen a ghost"

Harrys words cut through my thoughts. I couldn't speak. Would you if the person you thought was your soulmate broke it off with you? The only thing I could do was pass him the letter. His face grew pale this each word he read. Half way through reading it Ginny peered over his shoulder to see what was going on. Once they finished shock durned to horror which turned to anger.

"Those slimy Slytherins."

"Those perverted Bastards"

"god I will kill him when I next see him!!!! Nobody takes advantage of my little sis"

"Ron, Harry we have got to go and meet her tomorrow. Let her know that we are there for her."

I agree with Ginny we have got to make sure that she is okay. And I defiantly agree with Harry......... Malfoys gonna pay .... But the question is how???

Sooooo, What should Ron do to make Malfoy pay??? He won't do it for a while cause i have no idea how please leave a comment on it. 

thank you to like the one person who has read this.


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