Authors Note.

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First off I would like to start by saying i am sorry that i haven't been updating.... like ever. Secondly, i will delete this authors note when i next publish but that may not be for a while.

Simply put i can't write i don't know what is wrong with me but i just can't write properly plus with all my studies it may take a while.

I am trying my best and doing loads of exercises that are meant to help but no good had come from it so far.

I may upload other daft story's as some of the things i a doing says to write something in the same gonra but different to get the creative juice flowing. Sorry.. Hope to see you soon.


UPDATE: this story is cringeworthy as hell so I'm gonna go back and edit all the chapters before continuing.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2019 ⏰

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