Chapter Four

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warning- this chapter has swearing

disclaimer- i don't own harry potter

Draco's point of view

That was one of the best quidditch games of my life! Granger was amazing and we wouldn't have won without her!

*Flashback in narrator's point of view*

'Oh, this is gonna be funny' Draco thought. He had never seen her on a broom so it would be cool to see if she could actually fly. He had rounded up the Slytherin team and the Ravenclaw team to help him out. Granger would play one game in each of the positions and in the end the losing team would have to select the worst player and the crowd would select the forfeit.

The first game played granger played keeper and she surprised everyone with her ability to always keep the ball from going through the goal posts.

During her years in muggle school Hermione had been really into sports and was captain of the track team, the netball team and the rounders team. Plus, she was apart of the football team (this is in England so this is English football), rugby team and the tennis team. All in all, she was very sporty so stopping a ball from going through a couple of hoops was very easy. The won the first game 270-0

In the second game Hermione played chaser and her good aim and catch, not to mention her tactical skills, helped them to win fair and square. 260-100

The third had Hermione in the place of a beater and with all the practice in rounders her good aim had people spinning on their brooms. Once again, they won. 310 – 110

The fourth game lasted the longest with Hermione as seeker. She stayed above the pitch waiting for the glint of gold. Suddenly, the Ravenclaws seeker dived down in pursuit. But she stayed.

"Hermione what are you doing!!!" cried Draco "Go! Follow him! Get that snitch"

Yet Hermione stayed and soon the Ravenclaw seeker came back up to the sky with an obvious look of distaste and then it hit Draco! He was faking trying to get Hermione to follow so she would ultimately hit the ground. And she avoided that. Merlin she would make a great asset to the team! He thought.

All of a sudden Hermione flew across the pitch and weaved in and out of players (something the Ravenclaw seeker couldn't do)

She can really fly. She would be great on the team.

A couple minutes after Hermione began her chase she caught the snitch meaning that they won the last match. 230-90

They won every match fair and square. This was a first for the Slytherin team and they all loved the pride it brought them. They would defiantly do it like that again and it is all thanks to Hermione!

*End of Flashback*

Hermione's point of view

I loved it! Being on a broom in the air! It was so .... Exhilarating! I loved it! Although I will never do that again. I am so glad that the potion worked or I would have been screaming from being that high up!!

Dinner passed by uneventfully. We all talked and ate and when it came time to meat Ron, Harry and Ginny I found myself to be a little sad to be leaving.

What? No! you are not sad you are just...... nervous, yes! You are nervous to go see Ron your ex who you shouted at this morning! Yes, that is what you are feeling! So just relax and go.

As I walked to the astronomy tower I felt a hand on my shoulder and when I turned around I saw Malfoy.

"don't worry I will be here under a clocking spell as is everyone else" and with that everyone slowly came to view as they pulled down their clocking spell. "we really think you could make a good and we want you to pass these tests and we also want you to survive this meeting" and with that they all put their clocking charms back up but Draco kept his hand on her shoulder just to show his presence.

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