Chapter Three

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I am sorry that it has taken so long to update but i have been on holiday and i wasn't aloud to take my laptop. Also if you are enjoying this story can you please leave me a comment so that i know that this is not a complete waist of my time. The first five people to comment will be made into a character in later chapters. Thank x

Disclaimer- i don't own harry potter 

Draco's Point of view

After Granger ran off to bed I discussed with Astora and Pansy the first part of Operation Corrupt. Humiliation. We need to break Granger down in order to build her back up onto the person that will hurt the weasel and scar head the most. However, being me, I figured that I should be kind.

Not to Granger but to the rest of the boys in the school. After seeing her body tonight, the girls and I have decided to give Granger the ultimate makeover that will only just have her in regulation of the school dress code. Oh, this going to be good!

Suddenly the door to the girl's dormitories flew open in in comes the one and only Hermione Granger being dragged by Theodore Nott and Blaise Zambini.

"What in Merlin's name is going on?!" I ask a little worried as to why my two best friends are dragging Granger.

"You two didn't do your dare properly" Theo piped in "you were meant to kiss for two minutes not two seconds!"

"And," Blaise continued "since Granger has broke it off with the weasel..."

Did I just detect a snigger from oh so little miss perfect?

"she can kiss you without a guilty conscience."

"Stand up so we can get this over with." She stated while masking all of her emotions amazingly, in tone and in stance. Amazingly but not perfectly. Her eyes gave her away and she was dreading this. So naturally I have to make it more difficult.

"No" a simple statement to get her angry.

"No?" and by that sound of that it worked.

"No," I simply repeated again "you will ether forfeit or come sit on my knee and submit to my masculinity... your choice"

To my surprise she did. And once again to my surprise she didn't weigh a thing. Then the third surprise came.... Almost as soon as she sat down she started kissing me.... And she was really good at it!

Who would have new that the bookworm had such a good body and could kiss.

Soon I found her hands in my hair and my hands on her waist.

"guys its been more than two minutes" the annoying voice of Blaise Zambini rang out

Slowly we separated catching our breaths.

"Well if the rest of initiation is like this then it will be more fun than I imagined." She said with a smirk, and with that she left

She can smirk!!! Your smirk!!!!
And your point
Nothing just that she would be some one good to have some fun with maybe even date???
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha that's hilarious, ha, I really needed that laugh.

*The next morning*
Hermione's point of view

"Rise and shine sleepy head" the voice of Pansy pulled me out of my sleep. As I looked at my clock I could see that it was 6am. 6am!!!! What in the world is she doing waking me up at 6am!!!!

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