Chapter five

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okay so this chapter is gonna be kinda short and stupid but its important also there are three videos to watch. Thanks xx


Hermione's point of view

After Ronald said, well shouted, all of those hurt full things the girls came upstairs and comforted me with Ginny. Harry, bless the idiot, obviously didn't know how to react, so he just stood to the side until Astoria asked if there was anywhere in the castle the boys could use to scare Ron. He looked hesitant at first but soon his brotherly impulses overcame him and because they weren't going to actually hurt him he thought it was okay to quietly suggest ...

"the room of requirements"

Next thing I knew Astoria was scream "THE ROOM OF REQUIREMENTS!!" down the stairs.

That was an hour ago. Now we are back in the Slytherin common room and the girls are preparing me for the next task. In all honest I don't know if I can sing! I sing in the shower and I think that I sound good but your voice sounds different to you than it does for others so I just don't know. My father sounds like a cat being dragged through the bush backwards when he sings but my mum sounds like an angel so I just don't know.

"Okay," came Blaise's rough voice "you will be singing three songs for an audience. One with me. One with-"


"ugh like I was saying. One with me one with Theo and finally if you haven't died of embarrassment one with Draco. Any questions?"

"Yes, what songs am I meant to be singing?"

"the lyrics will come up when you get there"

Those sneaky Basterds.


Half an hour later I was in front of what seemed to be half of the school. No exaggeration. If I am being completely honest it was probably more.

"Welcome, welcome to stage two of the initiation." This was followed by applause "In this round we Granger will be sing duets with each of us boys. Blaise first then Theo then me. To be fair we have chosen songs from the muggle world however we have not told granger which song it is that we chose.

"Now because Blaise can sing he will be rapping and Granger will just do the chorus. Lucky her so.... Here we go."

And with that we were both given a microphone type thing to sing into. And with that the count down started and just from the first lyric I knew the song.... The Monster.

"wow didn't know you could sing Granger." Blaise whispered in my ear "your god but I don't think you will be able to do the song Theo picked out."

"Hello my beautiful class mates" Theo shouted as soon as he got onto the stage "As all of you lovely ladies out there know, I love arguments and I love to be the best so I did some research and I found a song that can prove that. Sorry Granger but your going down."

And with that the music started.


        please just ignore the first bit cause in this only the song happened.

"Okay so who do you think can do it better?" shouted Draco coming onto the makeshift stage.

Within seconds the crowd was screaming my name.

"Better luck next time Theo"

"okay so I think we have proved that Hermione can sing so we will jut skip the last one" Draco said walking off the stage.

Within seconds he was back on stage being dragged by Theo and Blaise.

"Stand! Stay! Sing!" Blaise ordered and the song started to play.

All throughout the performance we had our eyes locked drowning out the surrounding world it wasn't until we were finished that the cheers reached our ears. Malfoy touched my arm to tell me that I passed this test and I felt a jolt of electricity course through me. It wasn't like the spark so many people talk about it was more powerful. Much more powerful and from the look on Draco's face he felt it too.

okay... so yeah... this is a really short chapter considering its only 700 words but like i said it is the start of something so its important also i don't know what ii was thinking when i created these tasks.

please leave a comment cause at the moment i feel like you are all hating it and that is terrible for my self esteem so yeah. the first five people to comment will get made into a character and you can chose your name age and role as well as your appearance.


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